Chapter 20

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March 1.

Abby Chirwa didn't like the communal bathroom downstairs. Too much girls in one place made her highly uncomfortable. She wasn't use to it. She was used to being able to bathe by herself without having to worry about another girl staring at her assets. So instead she went to the upstairs private showers that only Juniors and Seniors were allowed to use. If she got caught that would leave problems. She was only a freshman and had dreams of Yale and Harvard. A detention would not look pretty on her record. Truth was that was all she had to worry about.
But that was all about to change soon. Yes, she had snuck into the bathroom singing a Selena Gomez song and dancing. She was wearing a robe, her towel thrown over her hand and her shampoo and other soaps littered her arms. She walked to the last stall, ready to shower. Abby pushed the door but it was jammed. "Hello, anyone in there?" She asked but got no answer.
She pushed again but to no avail. Frustrated, Abby Chirwa placed her bathing material on the sink behind her and walked back towards the stall. She banged her shoulder into the door repeatedly, feeling it shift with each shove. It had the hottest water in the entire bathroom and there was no way in hell she was going to be showering with lukewarm water. Oh, the horror! After at least six shoves the door suddenly fell open causing the freshman to fall into the stall, right on her arse, and on someone else. She turned her head and let out a ear piercing scream as she struggled to get to her feet. On the floor laid a limp, cold, naked body. Her hands and feet looked burnt, nails torn from the cuticle, blonde hair wet, throat bruised, the corner of the girl's lips slit to make some sick looking joker smile, green eyes shockingly wide and opened and on her head written in blood were the words:

And through Abby's deafening scream people started to pile into the bathroom. Miss Lodge, the vice principal came in a few minutes later. Parting through the crowd she went to the stall. Looking in, she felt her stomach turn and her head swell. For on the floor laid the girl known only as Naomi Penélope Garrett.
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There was news of Naomi Garrett being found dead in the seniors bathroom spread like wildfire fire again dry grass. And of course at McCarthy everyone had their theory of who killed her. It seemed as if, Naomi had more enemies than most thought.
It had been a month since she went missing and to think that she had died? That was something to shock a nation.

"I can't believe she's actually dead. She was such a nice person."

"We were such close friends. We shared everything."

"I bet you it was a jealous bitch who killed her."

"I wonder how her parents must be feeling. They lost such a wonderful role model. "

"I bet you it was you-know-who who killed her."

These were the things people were saying around school. And the might not have been saying it blatantly but everyone knew who they thought killed Naomi Garrett. It was a certain dark skinned beauty named Chloé Montgomery.
Detective Scrundel and Detective Broody stood in the interrogation room. The brown girl seated around the desk with her manicured nails and designer clothes looked unfazed by two facts.
1) her classmate had been murdered.
2) she was under investigation for that murder.
Okay, maybe she didn't know that last one but who cared.
"Ms. Montgomery. Do you know why you're here?" Asked Scrundel.
"Of course I do. I'm a suspect because of the fight that Naomi and I had in the hall... well, I wouldn't call it a fight. More like a brawl... that I won." She looked bored in that seat. Very bored. As if this was the last place she'd want to be.
"Where were you on the twenty-fifth of February around twelve midnight and three o'clock a.m.?" Asked Broody, taking a seat on the table.
Chloé brought a manicured nails to her chin feigning the act of having a thought process. "You know I can't recall, but I'm pretty sure I was in the presence of a male companion." She leaned forward on the table before adding, "If you know what I mean?"
"I don't think you're taking this seriously Ms Montgomery. You can be charged for murder in the first degree, placed behind bars for two life sentences with no chance of parole." Scrundel threatened. She had her game face on but Chloé still wasn't fazed.
"On what grounds?" She raised her eyebrows with a smirk plastered on her face. "You have no proof, no evidence and you forgot I'm here on my own free will. So I can leave at any given time I damn well please."
Did this girl have no soul? Thought detective Broody.
"Take a look at these." Said Scrundel, placing the photos from the still active crime scene. "You did this didn't you. Because you hated her. She talked bad about your family. Especially since you were adopted. She talked about how much your own parents didn't want you and the Montgomerys felt sorry for you and took you in. It must have hurt you even more when she stole your boyfriend... Tracen is it?"
Chloé pushed the photos back and looked at the two detectives. Her exterior, slightly cracked.
"I didn't kill her. I truly didn't. But when you find the person who did, can you tell me please. I'd like to go and personally thank him or her for removing a scum like her from the face of the earth."
Chloé Montgomery then got up and walked out of the interrogation room.
After she left, the two detectives looked at each other.
"Do you think she did it?" Asked Broody.
"Do dogs shit?" Replied Scrundel as she took up the photographs from the table.

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