Chapter 4

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She was dressed in black. The sweetheart neckline and the low cut in the back that stopped barely above her ass. Her hair was a cascade if curls on her shoulders and unto her back. She looked beautiful as she came down the stairs and the dress dragging get on the ground. Nikoli couldn't deny just how turned on he felt seeing Chloé in that dress. He blamed it on purely physical attraction; the animalistic and primal reponse.
Ruth followed closely by. Her dress was silver with an v-neck. The dress hugged her body and flowed to the ground as well. But Nik also realised something quickly. Even though Ruth was downright beautiful, he didn't feel himself reacting the same way to her. They both smiled at the boys as Ruth placed her arm into her brothers as he led her to the dining hall.
"You look beautiful tonight." Nikoli complimented Chloé. She smirked at him. "Only tonight?"
When she saw him getting uncomfortable she quickly added. "I'm only joking. You look absolutely fuckable in that tuxedo." She whispered the last part close to his ear. He laughed knowing quite well that was as close to any compliment he would ever receive from the Egyptian Princess.
"So Nikoli, why aren't you dating my Chloé?" Asked Raquel. They were all eating stuffed turkey,  potato salad, yams, rice and peas and Mac and Cheese. Not to mention washing it down with a nice bottle of Moscato.
Nikoli looked up at Raquel and Chloé choked.
"I have a girlfriend ma'am." He replied smoothly.
"And I am pretty sure she's seeing someone." He added.
"Oh please," began Henri, her father. "Chloé doesn't see anybody. She sleeps with them yes but dating isn't her forté."
It was Ruth's turn to choke on wine. "You know a out her peculiar habit?"
The Montgomery family smiled. "You mean her promiscuity?  Why yes we do." Replied Michaela. "Sex is natural and primal. If a female enjoys sex then why should she be afraid to do it?"
Throughout the entire ordeal Nik couldn't keep his eyes of Chloé. Her family supported her promiscuity, her love and hunger for sex. She would almost seem like a little nymphomaniac. She kept her head down, blushed even. Before adding. "I love sex, my siblings love sex and so do my parents. I grew up in a sexual crazed house. I was taught it was the best type of exercise. So yeah, I'm a little sex crazed."  Jonah rolled his eyes at the word little. "That doesn't make me a slut. It's quite unfair that a guy who has multiple partners is viewed as a Playa and a real man. But a woman who enjoys the same thing a Playa would is a slut and a whore and other vile names."
"I can completely understand that Chloé." Ruth said.
Dinner went on with multiple discussions and the Ejah's and Nik quickly realized that Chloé wasn't as bad of a person as people made her out to be. Her sparky comebacks and no brain to mouth filter was a normal in the Montgomery household since they quite literally talked about anything.
And suddenly, despite their first initial views of Chloé Montgomery they were glad they didn't turn down her offer.
"You're not as bad as you'd like people to believe you know." Mused Nikoli. He and Chloé were standing on the balcony eating cherry pie. Ruth had disappeared down one corner and Jonah was hiding from Jedidiah in another.
"How's that?" She asked stuffing a spoonful into her mouth.
"You act like a bitch, draw people on to fight you... it's all an act." He felt her tense. It seemed he had hit the nail right on its head. "You're hiding something from everyone and as your friend, I'm going to find out what it is."
"Oh, so we are friends now?" She teased but he knew she was trying to draw the attention from herself.
"Yeah, we are friends. And by the way... thanks for inviting me, I had lots of fun." He decided to let it slide this time.
"It was my pleasure." Her hand slightly brushed against his and as corny as it sounded she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body. Because of this she pulled her hand away as if it was near a fire.
"Goodnight." She said all too quickly before rushing off the balcony and to her room. What she was too shocked to actually realize was that he felt the jolt too.
Jonah Ejah knew a lot of things. It was why at the age of sixteen he was in his final year of highschool instead of being sophomore or a junior. He especially loved the sciences. But unfortunately science couldn't explain the homosexual chemical reaction his very heterosexual body was having towards Jedidiah Montgomery.
Jedidiah didn't even touch him. They were quite literally at two different sides of the gigantic ballroom but that gaze that Jed had focused on him was going to be his undoing. The heated stare was saying a lot of things. He could practically feel Jed undressing him with his eyes and the worst part was he wanted him to. But he liked girls. Jonah loved girls. Their breasts and buttocks... their softness really and Jedidiah was the complete opposite. His body was literally lean muscles. Jonah looked away and focused on his shoes and that was probably his biggest mistake. When he looked up again Jed had crossed the large ass room and was now standing in front of him.
His beautiful brown eyes were pelting Jonah and he found himself unable to meet them.
"Look at me Jonah." Jedidiah said in a husky voice. Jonah whimpered as Jed's long thick  fingers lifted his chin. "I'm not gonna hide the fact that I want you." Jedidiah confessed. "And if you don't believe me then let me show you." Taking Jonah's left hand, he placed it on his growing erection. Jonah froze at the feel of it and didn't remove his hand when Jed removed his. Jed moaned as Jonah began to stroke him slowly.
"This is what you do to me. This is what you have been doing to me since I first saw you."
Jedidiah didn't know what erupted in him but the urge to kiss Jonah became almost unbearable. He lifted a hand and gently brushed a hand to the young man's cheek. Whatever trance Jonah was under it was immediately broken due to the cold, foreign touch.
"I can't." Jonah said removing his hand and running.
"Jonah!" Jedidiah cried out but not once did the owner of said name turn around.
"You scared him Jay." Michaela stated moving out of the shadow. "He's not like every other conquest you've previously encountered."
Her ran his hand over his face. "You don't think I know that Mickey?" He questioned turning fully to her.
"He's sensitive Jay, you're gonna have to take your time."  She began walking away but not before throwing it out there, "Oh, and you better not hurt him. Chloé doesn't like a lot of people, which is why I think she just paid them off to come out here to miss Christmas but truth is, whether she wants to admit it or not, these people mean something to her... especially azure eyes.
"You guys should come see us for the next break." Said Raquel as she hugged each of them and Jeffery placed the bags in the plane. It was funny how they were leaving with more luggage than they came with but the Montgomery's had insisted. New clothes, shoes, jewelry. Michaela had said what better way to to part with clothes she had made and bought than give them to people who could actually have a chance to wear it.
Not to mention family passes to any one of the Montgomery chain of hotels anywhere in the world and access to the planes in the hanger at their private airport also anywhere in the world. They had said it was too much but these people practically forced it on them. It was weird to say the least.
On the drive back to the airport Jeffery Moses said to them whilst Chloé slept. "Her parents' trust and like you three. It's a rare occasion because it never occurs. Take care of their little girl."
"Jeffery, what happened to her?" It was Nikoli who asked.
Jeffery Moses smiled and the blue eyed boy sadly. "I wish I could tell you but it's not my place to say. Ask her, when she trusts you she'll tell you anything."

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