Chapter 1

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"Come on D it's time to go!" Ryan my boyfriend shouted to me.

"Fine I'm coming okay!" I shouted back.

Yeah so things have changed, a lot. The story is a simple but hurtful one.

Basically when school ended Josh had to go to collage in London, we,maven tween each other since and I know he has had other relationships as it is always on Facebook.

My job at the moment is doing something I love. Fashion. I am a world known fashion designer and today we are on our way to Spain for Chloe's wedding ,which is happening in a week. She is getting married to Daniel, yeah them two are still together. I know that Josh is going to be there because at the end of the day him and Dan are still friends I just hope that he keeps his hands to himself. If I know Josh like I do then he will try and do something.

All my friends are still with their 'high school sweethearts' but Carl he is single. We have an amazing relationship for twins who were separated at birth, plus me and my parents are fine but we aren't as close as I would have liked but at least we are talking.

I came down with my suitcase and Ryan didn't even help instead he's on his phone.

How lovely.

"You could have helped me you know." I said just staring at him as he seems to be very interested in his phone.

"Sorry babe but you can handle it. I know you can." He gave me a kiss and it was still the same. No fireworks. Don't get me wrong he is a really good kisser but it just doesn't feel the same as it did with Josh.

I really need to get him out if my head! I'm in a relationship!

I need to drill it into myself that if he breaks my heart once.He will do it again, my mum always warned me what would happen but I never listened. Sometimes I wish I did but most of the time I just wanted him to stay here. With me.

"Come on then let's go to Spain!" I shouted

"Babe you are so childish" Ryan said while laughing.

"I know!!" I sang.

We arrived at the airport. I saw a mop of black hair exactly the same colour as Josh 's. Why's now I'm thinking of him again? What is wrong with me.

We finally got to the security gates they started asking me questions about what was in the inhaler and when we were finally done I was whooping for joy as I got to the plane without missing it.

"Gate B to Spain is boarding now"The person blasted to the airport.

"Right then we better go."

"Alright then" I was still trying to figure out who it was that I saw. Why am I even Thinking he would come back here?
"Hey babe, are our seats next to each other?" I asked as I looked at my ticket that was for some reason in First Class.

"No I'm in the second class. Why the hell are you in First Class?" He asked.

"I actually have no idea." I said truthfully.

I went to the first class bay. I turned around.

"I am so sorry babe I didn't think I booked this." I told him

" Its okay it was a mistake." He replied with a annoyed tone.

"Okay, I will see you when we get there then. Bye" We went our separate ways. I wonder what he was more upset about. If he wasn't sitting with me or if he wasn't sitting in first class.

I got my ticket checked and got sent to my seat. When I saw who was in the next seat, saying I was shocked was an understatement.

Sitting there was the man that broke my heart. The man that I haven't spoke to for 3 years. The man that I was still in love with, but wouldn't be able to trust again.

"Josh." I breathed.

Hey guys. Here we at the sequel of Bad Girl + Bad Boy

I know it is short but the next one is longer.

Any way I promised a look of the Characters and here it is.


Hair: Jet black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6ft 6

Age: 21

Interest: Women

Loves: Diana

Relationship: Single


Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Green

Height:6ft 5

Age: 21

Interest: Women

Loves: Chloe

Relationship: Engaged to Chloe


Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Brown

Height: 6ft 5

Age: 21

interest: Women

Loves: Julie

Relationship: Going out with Julie


Hair: raven black

Eyes: Green

Height; 6ft 6

Age: 21

interest: Women


Relationship: Single


Hair: Blondey Brown

Eyes: Grey

Height: 6ft 3

Age: 21

interest: Women

Loves: Diana and ...

Relationship: Going out with Diana


Hair: raven black

Eyes: Green

Height: 5ft 6

Age: 21

Interest: Men

Loves: Josh

Relationship: Going out with Ryan


Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Light Brown

Height: 5ft 6

Age: 21

Interest: Men

Loves: Daniel

Relationship: Engaged to Daniel


Hair: Dark blue

Eyes: Dark Brown

Height: 5ft 6

Age: 21

Interest: Men

Loves: Luke

Relationship: Going out with Luke

So that's what the characters look like. You can see that Diana isn't the only one that Ryan loves but more to that later.

Update: Sunday 23rd February.

Early Update: 3 votes and two comments

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