Chapter 23

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My hands went straight to my mouth, there he was laying, dead on the ground. I turned to face the shooter.

"I am so sorry." I hugged her.

"No, I am." I shook my head.

"Well yeah, but thank you. I am so sorry that you had to do that." She gave me a weak smile.

"Well it was either him or one of you guys, or Ryan." We looked at Ryan who was looking at his former leader.

"Thank you." He stood up and went to Julia.

"Well, it looks like you're the new leader." Her eyes widened, she didn't think of that.

"So, Josh, you and I are leader?" She asked. I nodded.

"Bloody hell." She breathed.

"Welcome to our world."


The police seemed to love us because they turned up with those officers that hate my guts. They reckon I had planned it.

"Did you expect this to happen?"


"Was it self-defence?"

"Yes, it was either him or us." And so on.

Finally when they had took an official statement from everyone they let us go.  We went back up to the hospital. My leg had gotten a lot better so that's okay but I know something that isn't and he was at the hospital, my very own twin.

He was waiting just outside the doors. When he saw me he immediately stood up.

"Go on without me. I'll catch up in a bit."

"Are you sure?" Josh asked. I nodded. He gave me a quick kiss then went to Luke.

It was silent between us and that doesn't feel right.

"I'm sorry." He finally said. I waited for him to continue.

"I know it wasn't right to arrest you, and I am sorry but I had to. There's something you don't know about. We took down the Black Widow gang, it wasn't pretty and I couldn't let you know. I am so sorry it was the only way to keep you safe and when they let you out on bail I was actually relieve, they have now dropped all the charges so don't worry about that. Ryan has just been arrested and well you know about the leader, I am so sorry you had to see that. And if you forgive me there's someone I would love for you to meet." His eyes were shining.

"Fine, I understand now and I'm a bit glad it happened, as long as I don't have a record." I pointed out.

"Of course not. Can your twin have a hug now?" I nodded and gave him a hug.

"So, do you want to meet her?" He asked hopefully. I nodded.

"Hell yeah. But I can't embarrass you with baby photos." I pouted. He fist pumped the air.

"Yes!" I laughed then his girlfriend walked out.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte." She held out her hand which I took.

"Hey, I'm Diana, can you answer me a question? How the hell do you put up with him?" She laughed.

"I don't know really." Then I laughed. I could tell we were going to be great friends.


I went to Julia.

"Hey, I have some good news, your dad's gang has been taken down and now you can be happy." She knew what I meant, with Luke.

I walked over to Chloe and Daniel.

"I am sorry for ruining your wedding." They turned to each other and smiled.

"You didn't. Actually we have some news." She stood up and pulled Daniel with her. She clapped and everyone looked at her.

"Okay, so yesterday we decided to get married, which we did. Luke was there and took loads photos and I am sorry we didn't invite you but we came here to get married so we did. And something else. I'm pregnant!" She shouted. I gasped.

"Congratulations!" I ran to her and hugged her. Daniel looked at Chloe.

"We are having a baby? I'm going to be a dad?" She nodded and he picked her up and spun her round.

This is perfect, Chloe and Daniel are married and are going to be parents, Julia is hopefully going to live happily ever after, Carl is happy and I am with the love of my life.

"I love you."

"I love you to."


Julia POV

I am so happy for Chloe, and I know that I have got a lot of making up to do. When everyone had gone I went back to Luke.

"Listen, I know that I have got such a lot of making up to do but I promise you I will. Luke I love you and I really want us back together. If it means that I grovel, I will. I will do anything for you. You are the love of my life, my first and last one as well. No one will ever take your place. If you can't find it in your heart to forgive me, well I guess it means that I have to work harder." I got up to walk away when he pulled me back.

"I love you to. It might take a while but I know that we are going to be together." Then he kissed me.

Now I have my happily ever after and nothing can get better.

So, we have two chapters left.

Tell me what you think and thank you for all this support but the journey isn't over yet. And I know its short. Dont kill me, also i am back at school tomorrow so probably once a week updates now.

2 chapters readers. Two Chapters. Until the next time.

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