Chapter 19

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Blue lights filled the street. Whaling’s was all I could hear.

“Why. Why did you?”

3 hours earlier

I walked down the street an hour away from the fight that could potentially take my life away from me. Either way, either I die or Julia does.

Why didn't I do anything to try and talk to josh? Its been hours and we haven’t talked nor have either of us tried anything remotely close to try and talk to one another.

I love him so much but I didn't do anything to show it I mean come on, I went out with another bloke while being in love with him, I get jealous at the most stupid things and I just don’t deserve him. At all!

I went to the door and took a deep breath and another look behind me, I mean it could be the last time that I see daylight. Ever.

I opened the door and walked inside, the place was full of my gang and what seemed to be Julia’s and mine was so bigger.

Then I saw her, she had leggings and boots on, I wonder what’s in those? When she heard the door bang she looked up and so did everyone else then suddenly. Silence.

“Well, she actually turned up. Hey look, it’s your worst nightmare.” And who showed up. Shocked me.

“I only helped you so you can be here with Julia.” They walked round to look at me. “What you actually think I wanted to help you. Yeah right.”  Then they retreated.

“This fight is about friendship, and leadership. There are no rules. Go!”

Then I sprang into action. It wasn’t hard because to be honest she wasn’t that good but about 10, minutes into the fight she started to get a lot better.

I was ducking a lot and to be honest it was getting quite boring. But that’s when the knives got involved.

She got them out of her boots, see I told you, and then it happened.

My arms were grabbed and I was pinned down, by him, then she came to me and bent down to me and went to my ear.

“Sorry Love. This needs to happen.”

Then she stabbed me.

In the leg.

“Jesus, what the heck.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“I didn't want you to fight back.”

“So you stab me. You mad woman!” I then got up and put my weight on my right leg.

Then put my hand behind my back and grabbed the gun.
“Yeah, I am mad. But I’m not that crazy that I kill someone. I could’ve yet I didn't kill you did I?”

“No but I am.” Then I pulled the gun out and pointed it at her. Her eyes widened.

“D, you debt even know how to hold a gun, never mind shoot one.” She was laughing but her eyes show fear.

“Oh yeah. Well what's this then.” Then I shot her leg.

“What the heck.” She shouted.

“Sorry did that hurt. Well imagine being pinned down when it happened.”

She stumbled but then got out a gun of her own.

“Well he won’t feel that will he.” She then pointed the gun at Josh.

“Sorry dude.” Then the shot rang.

Josh POV

I watched how Diana was beaten and how she ducked but then I also watched as she was pinned to the floor.

And stabbed in the leg.

I was so ready to go and kill Julia and that idiot for betraying her but I couldn’t. I didn't want to get banged up, for that.

It sickened me.

But when Diana got her gun out that’s when I nearly had a heart attack. I never wanted this to happen, the police come roll in at any minute and I was letting her do this. What the hell.

Then Julia got her gun and was ready to shoot me, until Luke jumped in my way and took the shot for me. He then landed in a heap at the wall. Then cops came through the door.

I ran to Luke to make sure he was still breathing, Thank God he was but it was shallow.

“I need a medic. And quick!” I shouted.

Someone came and took charge as I stayed with him.
“Josh.” He whispered.

Then he started to close his eyes. 

“Hey, you’re going to get through this. Do you understand?” He nodded and was lifted onto a stretcher, and put in the ambulance.

Then I looked around me, Diana was being put in handcuffs while Julia was being restrained.

They took her out before I could get to her so I ran after her onto the street.

Present time

“Why, why did you?” I shouted at Julia.

“I had to or Luke would’ve ended up dead.” She shouted with tears rolling down her eyes.

“And if he does it is you that going to be the one who goes to jail.” She shook her head and was pushed into the car.

I turned around to see Diana being questioned and then getting into a police car after being patched up and a massive bandage round her leg. But not before looking at me and mouthing the she loves me.

At that I just smiled.
Hey so I’m back. Sorry for the wait but was it worth it?

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Right so guys listen, I love the votes and followers but I want comments, please I want to know what you feel!!!!!!!!!

So Instagram. FOLLOW ME, my name is harmonyalison and my profile picture is me but you guys don’t know what I look like so ill change it on Wattpad as well.

So what do you think is going to happen? Tell me your predictions.

20 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter. See you soon.

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