Chapter 22

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Josh POV

What the hell is she doing here?

"Hey." I stood there frozen, and angry.

"What the hell?" Luke gasped.

"I got let out on bail." She told us.

"And, what you decided to came and see Luke, who you almost killed?" Tears were rolling down her face.

"Luke, I am so sorry." She told him.

"What do you want Julia?" He asked, in a stone cold voice.

"You. And these." She gestured to us.

"You, you get let out while my baby is in jail?" She shook her head.

"She isn't in jail, she got let out the same time as me."

"Which was..."

"About 10 minutes ago." Oh it's Benn about an hour and a half since she called me.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"Yeah right here." Then she walked in through the door.

"Diana." I literally ran to here and flung my arms around her.

"It's okay Josh, I'm here." She soothed. I put my head up and captured her lips in mine for a short kiss.

"I love you." She whispered. I smiled.

"I love you to." Then we turned back to Julia.

"So, what have you got to say?"

"Look, I want blackmailed. My dad is the leader of your rival gang. He told me if I didn't help he would kill you, Diana, Luke, Chloe and Daniel then finally me."

"Yet you still went to kill me and stabbed Diana." She sighed.

"I know what I did was wrong. But you have to believe me when I say that I am so sorry. And Luke. I still love you and I won't stop trying to earn your forgiveness." Then she walked straight over to Luke and kissed him. Then she walked away.

He was just sat there, dazed.

"I still love her." He whispered.

I went over and hugged him.

"It's okay." Then he just started crying. I held him like a brother would.

Diana POV

A couple of hours later and Luke had to stay in but we had to go back to the hotel.

When we got back we went up to my room, not expecting to find what we did.

Ryan, on the floor. Being held with a gun to the head by who I am guessing is Julia's dad.

"Why hello Diana, I've heard a lot about you. And we meet again Josh." He smiled while Ryan was pleading to us with his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like your about to commit murder."

"Well yes partly, but it is also a warning."

"A warning for what?" I asked this time

"For your brother. If he doesn't give up then his girlfriend will die." Then a shot rang off......

So another update. It isn't long, I know but don't kill me.

So who do you think is shot??? Tell me....

Who ever guesses right I will dedicate a chapter to you!

Thank you for all the support with this story!!!!!

Also if you like Vampire books then please check mine out!!!

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