Bonus Chapter. Julias wedding.

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Oh My God. Its the night before my wedding!!. Thats how long until my big day. Its mad, one minute I'm trying to kill the very people that mean the world to me and now I'm marring one of them. My amazing Luke. Seriously I wasn't expecting another chance with him. He is my everything and I intend for it to stay like that.

I mean even Diana and Josh has got married and have even got a baby together, she also told me they are trying for another one, I say good of them they are really good parents. Even of they are still children themselves.

Chloe and Daniel, well what can I say for them. Two kids, how the do they manage? I don't know but they do.

I remember saying, when I was in school that I never wanted to get married but as soon as I met Luke that has most definitely changed!

"Julia you better not be awake. A bride to be needs her sleep before the big day." I heard Diana shout.

"Sorry D." I shouted back. Then I heard something.

"What the heck?" I muttered. Then I heard it again, it seemed to be coming from the window.

I stood up ready for some sort of attack but when I got there, there wasn't anything.

"Over here." The voice said. And I would recognise that voice anywhere.

I went over to the doors leading to the balcony and opened them.

When I didn't see anything I turned to back inside but the someone grabbed my hips and turned me round.


"Jesus Luke. You scared me."

"Sorry. I had to see you."

"Why? You know it's bad luck for you to be here." I told him. He leant down and kissed me.

"I don't care. I wanted to see my fiancé before she became my wife is all."

"Awww. Babe. I can't wait to become your wife. It will be the biggest and best accomplishment in my entire life." I told him.

"I love you Julia." I grinned.

"And I love you Luke. Now go and get some sleep before I get told off." I told him, he chuckled.

"Of course my dear." He gave me another kiss and got back on the ladder which was next to us and climbed down.

"See you tomorrow future wife." The he got in his car putting the ladders back and drove away.

"See you later future husband." Then I went back inside and into bed thinking where I would be in 24 hours time.
I got woken by my alarm at seven o'clock and then. Got bombarded.

The girls, Chloe, Diana and some other girls I know got me breakfast then started on nails. We had hair and makeup artists coming in later but we wanted to our own nails.

The hair and makeup artists came around 9 and they got to work. The bridesmaids first (there was five of them not including Chloe and Diana.)

About an 1 1/2 hour later it was our turn. I couldn't decide on just one maid of honour so I had two instead.

Finally after another 2 hours our hair and make up were done.

My hair was put to the side in curls, I had a blue hair grip in right at the back. My make up was light but you could see it but I'd didn't want it to show up so much in the photos. Chloe's and Diana's hair was in a high ponytail with the ponytail put into curls. Their make up was smokey eyes and blusher. Much different from mine.

Now our dresses. All the bridesmaids had a teal dress that was a bit princessey but not proper out their. Yet the maids of honours dresses was still teal but they had a bit of a train and it was very slim. They all had teal shoes. Now my dress. I wanted it to be more traditional so I had white. There was no bling or anything like that. I had an open back with a lace front. It had a train at the back but not to big. The veil was a tiara that just had a veil at the sides not going over my face. All in all I was ready to get married.

"The cars are here." Diana shouted.

"Okay." I just took a minute. Since my dad wasn't here because I well, killed him Carl is walking me down the aisle. Daniel and Josh are Luke's best men so I had to get someone else.

My mum and I don't get along anymore. Ever since her husbands gang got taken down and she knew I had killed him she completely thought that I did it to get the gang. She didn't understand that he had held my best friends at gun shot and threatened to kill me and the love of my life. She is in denial.

Anyway, all the bridesmaids got into their cars and started to the church while I waited for my car.

It only took another five minutes to arrive and then Carl walked out.

"Come on then. Let's get you married." I took his hand and he helped me in the car, then it was only a matter of time till we got to the church.

Carl and I chattered about things, if I was nervous, where the honeymoon was and so on. He was calming my nerves but the butterflies came back as soon as we got to the church.

The bridesmaids were outside lining up in the order that they were going in. Youngest first then Maid of honours in front of me.

This was it.

The vicor came out and we gave the thumbs up to go ahead.

The tune started and the bridesmaids went in. Everyone stood up and smiled to them, then it was Diana and Chloe and finally me.

Everyone stared at me and smiled a really big smile watching me walking down the aisle. But my eyes were fixed on one person.


When I finally got to him I turned and gave my flowers to Chloe and the ceremony started.

The vicor said all of his stuff and it was the speeches,

"Julia. You are the most beautiful, bravest person I have ever and will ever meet. You never gave up and you always said that you would protect us. Which you did, your life was on the line on more than one occasion just to protect me and your friends, I have never thanked you for that. For saving your life and I should. So my thank you is me being the best husband and hopefully father that I can be. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and tell you everyday. I also promise to never hurt you or to ever let you be hurt because you are the love of my life and I have never loved another person as much as I love you and never will. Your my high school sweetheart and it has and always be you." He looked me in the eyes as he said all this and I could feel tears running down my cheeks and Diana gave me a tissue to wipe them away. Now it was my turn.

"Luke. My Luke. That's how I see you. When all that happened I only went along with it because your life was in danger. If would have been my life then I wouldn't but you could have been hurt. And you was, because I hurt your heart and I am so so sorry I ever did that. Then when you got shot I felt like I had. I saw you being carried away and unconscious I thought that I would never see you again but I did. When I went to the hospital that day I knew I deserved what you said but I also knew that I had to win you back. I don't know how but I did and I want to thank you. If you hadn't have given me another chance then I wouldn't have known what to do. I love you so much more then I could ever imagine. I don't how you did it in school but you did and I'm glad. And if I would have to do it all again I would because it proved to me that I would do anything for you and that is a lesson I never thought I would get. I love you Luke." Tears were rolling down his cheeks and mine. I meant every last word.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss that bride." With that we did.

When we finally pulled away I looked into my husbands eyes.

"Your the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you." He told me.

"And I love you, so much."
So that is it. Completely.

This is just a bonus chapter for the new year!!

And there won't be sequel sorry guys!!!!

I hope you will join me on other journeys!!

My new books. There are two please check them out!!

See you guys in another book!!

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