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"Larry!" Lyra yelled again, hearing the building threatening to come down around their ears, a slur of French profanity, then finally Suga's amused laughter. Moments later Larry appeared in the doorway.

"What?" Larry huffed impatiently, glaring at Lyra while holding his fist.
"Feel better?" Lyra asked and Larry rotated his shoulder.
"You were saying?" Lyra asked Felicity.
"I sent a few videos to your boy toy, recordings I made while trying to find your weakness." Felicity admitted. Larry slowly turned towards Felicity.
"I sent him video of the the lovely show, you two put on." Felicity said looking at Larry. "Things like that."
"You sent video!" Larry yelled then glanced at Lyra.
"I take it you've seen them?" Lyra asked Larry.

He walked away without answering she shrugged and tucked her hair into the hood.

"I have been trying to figure out a few things like why you decided target Laurent, who never cause you any harm, instead of Christopher, the person who tried to kill you?" Lyra walked over to Suga as she was handling a small vial and needle

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"I have been trying to figure out a few things like why you decided target Laurent, who never cause you any harm, instead of Christopher, the person who tried to kill you?" Lyra walked over to Suga as she was handling a small vial and needle. "What thought process lead you to believe you would live after killing my him?"
Felicity didn't answer.
"Lastly, I've been trying to figure out how you got your hands on Ricin?" Lyra asked.
"I made it from castor oil plant seeds." Felicity replied with pride. Lyra slowly nodded in understanding.
"I read an amount of Ricin the size of a few grains of salt can kill someone in up to 36 hours." Lyra held up the empty glass vial. "I also read it works faster if inhaled but ingesting it does just as much damage."

Felicity's eyes widened as she looked at the water cup she drank from earlier then back at Lyra.

"Unlike you, when I kill someone, I will watch the suffering in their eyes." Lyra replied then nodded.

Felicity started to panic, "I made an antidote!"
"Everyone knows there is no antidote to Ricin." Lyra replied.
"I did! I made a Ricin antidote! It was approved by the FDA, and I was shopping it to different pharmaceutical companies! It can save your friend, it works fast! Please, just let me get it!" Felicity continued begging frantically.
"You won't need it. It's a shame you
refused my help before." Lyra sighed slowly putting on gloves and pressed the plunger on the needle sticking out of Felicity's arm.
"I'm begging. Please, please help me?" Felicity started crying. "Please don't let me die this way?" Felicity pleaded as Lyra walked away placing the needle on the table beside Suga.
"Relax, you may have poisoned someone I love, but I wouldn't poison you." Lyra replied the turned away. "It would ruin the merchandise."

"Candy took Larry to get his things." Wall announced as he pushed a 7 foot table to the center of the room then brought several containers and set them at either end.
"Everything set up?" Lyra asked Wall putting a splatter guard on her head but leaving the guard up.

"Everything set up?" Lyra asked Wall putting a splatter guard on her head but leaving the guard up

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"The containers are ready." Suga said.
"Remember we need to verify the condition." He finally answered.
"Condition of what? Why can't I feel my arms?" Felicity asked, her eyes dancing around desperately seeking answers.
"Turn on some music please." Lyra ignored Felicity. Wall handed Lyra a list of organs then turned on some classical music.
"Tell me what you are doing!?" Felicity demanded.
"Heart, brain, lung, liver, kidneys, wait ovaries? Is that right?" Lyra frowned looking up from the list.
"Yes, if they haven't been damaged." Wall replied.
"Sin." Lyra said pulling down the splatter guard.
"I can't feel my legs. What's going on? Someone please, tell me what's going on?" Felicity cried.
"You going to answer her?" Sin asked as she put on gloves and a mask.
"We've already wasted too much time." Lyra replied coldly looking into Felicity's eyes, while they moved her to the table.

Sin searched for the arterial vein in Felicity's leg, cleaned the area, then inserted a needle attached to a blood donor bag.

"Muscle paralysis should be complete." Suga announced.
"Let's get cracking, we have too much to do in too little time." Lyra handed Suga the electric bone saw.
"We can do it in tandem." Sin marked a line around the top of Felicity's head. "After 5 or 6 units we can start with the standard Y and crack her open." Sin answered.
"And work from all sides at the same time?" Wall asked.
"Exactly." Sin answered.


Twelve and a half hours after collapse, all viable organs were harvested and Wall helped Lyra with her coat then hugged her as she exited the slaughter room.

"Trail set? Plastic surgeon, scar removal, face augmentation, plane ticket to some island?" Lyra asked and he nodded. She placed her hand gingerly on his face then kissed his cheek.

"Everyone happy?" Lyra asked Gabby.
"Yeah, after paying the bills, the profit will be split between Queen's Baltimore and New York accounts. And Felicity Hugh thanks you for her new life." He answered. She nodded.

Sin and Suga stopped cleaning and hugged Lyra as she approached. Candy waited for her turn, then whispered her thanks for accepting her into the family.

"Sweetie, Sin agreed to be your mentor when you are ready. Do as she says and you won't have any problems, in no time you will be a wonderful addition to the guard." She hugged Candy.

Lyra sighed as she was face to face again with Gabby, "Burn the shell, grind whatever doesn't burn to dust then shake the dust off the bridge."
"It's not my first time." Gabby sighed walking her to the car.
"Make sure everyone knows I appreciate their help. Put Friday's payment in escrow then split the weekly payments evenly between NY and MD okay? And be good for Queen." Lyra said as she got into the car with King.
"Yes, yes, now go you're going to miss your flight." Gabby smiled, kissed her cheek then closed the door. He patted the roof of the car as it left.


"Hello Fido, how are you?" Lyra asked as she boarded the private plane.
"I sleepy and you loud." Larry said turning away from her as she sat across from him.

Lyra signaled the pilot to take off.

"You tell me that girl poison my brother! Now she get a bunch of money and my brother die?"
"I told you that I would handle it." Lyra closed her eyes.
"How?" Larry raised his voice.
Lyra sighed, "If you told me you wanted to beat Christopher I would have let you do it before I released him." Lyra added looking out the window, "Believe me I understand the desire."
"The girl?" Larry asked impatiently.
"Sure, you could have. I wouldn't judge you for beating her if that's what you wanted." She glanced at him before looking back out the window.
"What you do to her?" Larry yelled.
"Will knowing save your brother?" She cut her eyes to his eyes.

Lyra listened while Larry called her untrustworthy, secretive, violent and manipulative. He also said he never understood why his brother didn't leave her alone after he got what he wanted.

"You thought your brother would use me then toss me aside?" Lyra leaned back in her chair then smiled remembering a similar thought going through her head.
"Yes, salope mal avec le vagin de démon!"

Lyra covered her mouth as she laughed, "You know you have a serious brother complex, right?"
"No, I don't!" He yelled.
"Okay, explain what I've done for you to say I'm a wicked bitch with the demon vagina* or why you hate me without bringing up your brother? What have I done to you that would warrant the hate you hold for me?"

Larry opened his mouth then shut it and glared at her. Lyra told him the only reason he hates her is because he feels scared his brother may love someone more than him. Larry remained quiet.

"Like I said brother complex." She challenged him to dispute it.

Larry rolled his eyes.

"You can hate me, I can't stop you. I love your brother and you need to accept that because I'm done fighting with you. Try to come in between us again and I will show you real demons." Lyra glared.
"What about the boat guy? Vous tentez de tricher sur lui comme tu as triché sur mon frère?" Larry asked smugly. (You cheat on him like you cheated on my brother?)
"I never cheat," Lyra sneered.
"Liar," Larry mumbled.

Larry flinched away from Lyra's piercing stare.

"I don't care what you believe you don't put a sliver of fear in me and your feelings are not important enough for me to lie." Lyra leaned back then looked out the window when he blinked.

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