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Media is a labyrinth staircase

Lyra was surprised by last night's events and had been in her head all morning because of it. She wanted to say something, but asking why just seemed like a stupid question.

Whatever was going on with Laurent last night, that morning's shower activities didn't clear anything up. Maybe he was just happy to be alive. Or maybe it was his way of saying thanks.

Or he just wanted to, men aren't complicated. It was just sex.

“Lire? I go meet Larry for breakfast.” Laurent smiled and kissed her forehead before grabbing his bag.

But what if it was more than that? She wasn't doing herself any favors keeping her mouth shut.

“Laurent?” Lyra called.
“Hmm? What up?” He asked before his eyes found her.
“About before and last night,” She paused when he smirked.
“Thought you no talk about sex.” He replied then checked himself in the mirror. She pressed her lips together.
“Thanks.” Lyra forced a smile on her face. He nodded then walked out the door.

The message couldn't be more clear.  Whatever happened had no meaning beyond it. It was just sex and she need not read anything else into it.

She dug in her toiletries bag for her pill but they were missing. She called in a replacement as she got dressed then hurried to the closest pharmacist for a little chat about emergency contraceptives.


“Morning.” Larry watched his brother smile as he took his seat.
“Morning.” Laurent replied then called the waitress. He ordered a lot of food then smiled at Larry. “What you want?”
Larry ordered a big breakfast too but couldn't stop smiling at his brother as he yawned still looking sleepy.
“Sleep good?” Larry asked.
“Yeah, you?” Laurent answered.
“Yeah.” Larry smirked. “Ly join us or she still sleep?”
“No she no think you invite her.” He stick a straw into his glass.


After receiving a few dirty looks, several attempts to shame her and even more unkind words; the old fart finally gave Lyra the medication she asked for.

Lyra thanked the old hypocrite and held her head high as she walked out with her purchase, while many of the patrons continued to whisper unkind words as she walked out.

The last thing she needed to deal with  in her current situation is getting pregnant. Her life was like a labyrinth staircase and she could figure out which way was up or down.

Maybe it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. She had a house with plenty of room and a stable job with a decent salary. She had friends that would be supportive but their versions of supporyive would involve threatening Laurent to be a father even if he doesn't want to. She frowned.

She couldn't guess how Laurent would react. She knew Laurent liked children. It was almost impossible to find a European that didn't gaze adoringly at or want to coo at a child. But she didn't know if Laurent wanted any children of his own or would even want one with her.

She slightly shook her head then read the directions for use. She had to make the most rational and reasonable decision based on the facts in front of her. Laurent was happy with the way his life was and for the most part a baby was not the life change she thought she needed at the moment. She nodded opening the package.

It wouldn't hurt to talk with Laurent first, ask him if he wants children.

She frowned thinking about all the many ugly ways that conversation could spiral out of control. She exhaled deeply before placing the pill in her mouth and chasing it with half a cup of water.

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