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Larry grabbed Lyra's hand and pulled her back to him. She hit her right calf on the chaise. Larry caressed her face then kissed her softly.

"Put your lips on me again and I will make you a soprano. Now let me leave!" She said through her smiling teeth.

Larry wrapped his arm around her waist and walked off stage with her.
"I am going to kill you and no one will ever find your body." Lyra said turning her head towards his body.

On the second step winced then teetered back to get her full weight on her right leg. Larry scooped her up and carried her off stage.

Lyra covered her face as he carried her through the crowd. He carried her to a waiting car then helped her inside.

I'm not burying his body, I'm going to put it in a barrel of acid and ship it to the warehouse as toxic material. Lyra thought as they rode to the hotel.


Larry helped her to the elevator and when they reached her floor. She turned to go to her room but he pulled her into his room and helped her to the couch. He helped her remove her shoes and examined her bruised calf.

"I sorry, Ly." He said softly, "I no mean to hurt you."
"Thank you for keeping me from falling and helping me." Lyra smiled.
"You're welcome." Larry replied.

Lyra slapped his face with all her might. "That was not what you asked me to do! I was supposed to wear this wig!" She snatched it off and threw it at him as she stood up. "And this stripper dress! Sit still on stage for a raunchy floor show, smile pretty for you then leave!" She kicked him in his stomach and he crumbled to the floor. "Nothing about tying me up or blindfolding me! Or you pretending to be your brother! And you didn't say anything about putting your lips on me!" She kicked him again aiming for his ribs. "I did everything you asked me to do! What possessed you to put your lips on mine!"

Ashlie came from the bedroom just in time to stop Lyra from kicking his head in.

"NO! Ly don't mess with his face!" Ashlie pushed Lyra back. Lyra glared at Ashlie then back at Larry.
"That was your last one Ash! After this and you have no say." Lyra stepped away removed the ring and putting it in Ashlie's hand. "You understand?"

Ashlie nodded slowly. Lyra put on a robe, ripped the dress off, leaving it and everything else he sent her on the floor. She grabbed her room key and hobbled to her room.


Two minutes after Laurent landed he received a notification that he was tagged in a video. The video had clips of the 'show'; close ups of Larry crawling up a chaise, Lyra smiling and her now brunette hair, their kiss and Larry carrying her off stage.

Within minutes, Laurent was calling Lyra.

She tossed her phone on the bed and headed to the shower. She spent an hour trying to wash away the icky feeling that clung to her after Larry touched her. She noticed bruises develop on her wrists and darken on her calf.

She wet her hair and applied product to define her curls. She spent the next hour applying makeup. She applied color corrector, concealer and foundation to her bruised calf and wrists. Once she was satisfied she matched her complexion she applied finishing spray to keep it from running or fading. 

Her phone rang several times but she didn't bother looking at it. Geeta had the room number for emergencies.

Laurent called Lyra and Larry but neither were answering. He headed towards the hotel Ashlie booked for him.


Lyra was packing her clothes when Ashlie showed up to their room grinning from ear to ear. Lyra tried to be happy for her friend with the serious afterglow but she just wanted to get this night over with.

Lyra zipped her suitcase and placed it in her closet.

"You missed the show," Ashlie smiled changing clothes.
"I don't want to know." Lyra said putting the dress and wig in the trash.
"Yeah you do!" Ashlie smiled.
"All I need to know is that you will be ready soon so we can go." Lyra sighed.
"Ly, I'm sorry." Ashlie said and Lyra shook her head. "Look, I had no clue he would do that." Ashlie gave a sympathetic look.
"Doesn't matter." Lyra replied. "I'm leaving after the party." She started diffusing her hair.

Ashlie frowned then headed to the shower.


"But let me tell you about the show your man put on," Ashlie said as she got dressed.
"I do NOT have a man," Lyra corrected scrunching her hair.
"YOUR MAN," Ashlie insisted, "came into the room, looked around then started yelling for Larry and you. He saw the clothes you left and the wig on the floor. He lost it. He yelled at Larry about hiding you, which of course started an argument until Larry sat down and watched Laurent tear up the room looking for you. After he calmed down Larry asked me to let them talk in private." Ashlie helped Lyra with her bracelet.

"Girl, your man was a mess." Ashlie fastened the clasp and Lyra winced. "Are you okay? Let me see," Ashlie frowned at Lyra's wrists.
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's a little tender from earlier." Lyra responded adjusting bracelet to cover the worse part of the bruise.

Lyra shook her head then arranged her hair.

"You realize this is a ticking time bomb, right?" Lyra asked.
"No." Ash responded looking at Lyra apply more makeup to her wrists.
"Why a time bomb?" Ashlie asked.
"How long before Laurent finds out everything that happened today? What happens then?" Lyra lowered her head.
"I'm sure it will be rough for a while but he will get past it." Ashlie said but Lyra knew better.
"Sure, because your brother getting beat up by your stupid ex girlfriend is sure to make someone laugh hysterically one day." Lyra replied sarcastically.


Ashlie and Lyra were waiting for the light to change when Lyra's phone rang. She barely got the phone to her ear, "Where are you?" the angry voice asked. She looked at the number and shook her head.
"Does it matter?" Lyra sighed.
"Yes, where?" His tone was clipped.
"Just pulling up to the after party." Lyra responded. He disconnected the phone.

"Ash, it's ticking." Lyra sighed.
Ash looked at Lyra face, "Uh-oh, what's happening?" Lyra looked almost sick.
"I can't lie to him, he'll know. I should go home." Lyra looked at her phone.
"No, you agreed to attend this party with me." Ashlie reminded.
"I don't think it would look good if the truth comes out at this party. I should just go home." Lyra repeated.
"Can you talk circles around the answer for a while. I really need to make some connections here? I promise we can be on the first plane out of here tomorrow." Ashlie put her phone away.
"You should stay it's important for you. I will just catch a cab..." Lyra said as they got out the car.

"Cute hair."

Lyra stiffened slightly hearing Larry's voice beside her but kept her mouth shut. Then she felt a heavy weight on her shoulder, she looked up and Larry had his arm around her shoulder.

"Get off me!!" Her nose flared as she pushed his arm off of her.
"Your hair cute today too Ly, but I think I liked you better as a brunette." He whispered quickly before moving back over to his brother as Ashlie held her arm guiding her into the party.

Lyra turned to face him but Ashlie moved in her path. Her face pleaded with Lyra not to flip out. Laurent grabbed Lyra's wrist pulling her to follow him. Lyra winced at his touch.

"Us need to talk." He growled at her.
"Okay." Lyra said softly, carefully removing his hand from her wrist.

She looked up as Laurent stood in front of her. He was dressed in a black hat, white shirt, black jacket and pants. She glanced back at Ashlie who nodded and waved bye. Laurent and Lyra walked over passed the bar.

Ashlie started walking in the opposite direction.

"You leaving?" Larry said sounding disappointed.
"I have to work, go enjoy yourself. And by the way, congratulations, you ruined the happiness of at least three people today." Ashlie smiled as Larry frowned in confusion.

"Smile, you won!" Ashlie blew him a kiss then walked away.

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