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The Slytherin boy slumped out of his class, barely even paying attention to whatever his friends were talking about as he tried to think. But his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his name being called.

"Draco! Draco Malfoy!"

He turned around to see a Ravenclaw girl catching up to him. "Who wants to know?" he asked, stopping in the busy corridor.

The girl stopped in front of him. The top of her head could just reach his nose, and her clear blue eyes looked up at him. "I'm hurt that you don't know me, even after we've been sitting near each other in Charms class for a little over a month now." She held out her hand and smiled. "I'm Serena Chanson."

"What do you want?" Draco asked, making no move to shake hands with the girl. She wasn't ugly, but rather beautiful, though he didn't want his friends to see him with her. Slytherins are known to be above the other Houses, therefore don't make acquaintances with anyone who isn't a fellow Slytherin.

The Ravenclaw pulled back her hand and continued. "I would like to offer my services and help you raise your grade in Charms."

He snorted at her proposal. "I don't need help. Especially from someone like you."

"I'm at the top of the class, next to Hermione Granger, whom I believe you know. And if you don't need help, why did you shove the assignment you failed to the bottom of your bag?"

Malfoy adjusted the messenger bag on his shoulder nervously, glaring at the girl. "I don't need help. And I don't need a wise-witch, who isn't even number one in the class, getting on my case."

She placed a hand on her hip and stared at him curiously. "Perhaps if you spent more time studying instead of insulting anyone who dares approach you, then you wouldn't need assistance."

The young man was shocked. Usually, his glare would make even his friends cower, but this girl didn't even flinch. She smiled and said over her shoulder as she walked away, "You can find me in the library, if you change your mind."

Draco stared after the girl until her wavy brown hair and blue-lined, black robes disappeared around the corner. Who is that girl? Why isn't she afraid of me? There must be something wrong with her. . . Or perhaps I'm losing my touch.


Crabbe's voice brought Draco back to the present. He ran a hand through his light hair, causing it to stand on end in all directions. "What?" he snapped at his comrade in annoyance. The young man jumped back and answered nervously.

"Y-you fell behind. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." The blonde Slytherin stated, shoving past everyone as he made his way to the Great Hall for lunch, his friends following close behind.

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