Next day the fleet dropped anchor in Kanagawa. The port would have usually been bustling with activity, but now, with the arrival of so many foreign warships, it appeared deserted and strangely quiet.
They waited on board for a time, giving the Japanese time to cool down and prepare for the meeting, which must have been for them a momentous event. As they were all crowding the deck and looking around with curiosity, someone pointed to a wooden structure erected to the side of the bay.
"What's that? Looks like a gate."
Lottie followed his line of sight. "It's Torii." She explained. "A traditional Japanese gateway to a Shinto or Buddhist shrine. It symbolises the transition from the profane to the sacred."
"In the water?!"
"You must not forget that their religion is much different from ours. The gate is built here to assure safety of sailors and fishermen. They believe that Kami, the Spirits, will protect them from harm. A shrine may have many Torii, leading to the holy centre, where they go to pray and meditate."
"You really have been here before." Captain Norton muttered under his breath, for the first time acknowledged that he'd previously had some doubts about her claims.
She just smiled. "You need to prepare yourselves for a big shock." She continued after a while. "The Japanese culture is so different from ours and sometimes so infuriating, that you will want to scream. But self-control and restraint in everything are probably the most valued characteristics among the ruling class. You must always project calmness and composure, otherwise they will disrespect you. Even mortal enemies can meet here and share pleasantries while drinking tea and discussing art. They are very proud people, but people nevertheless." She lectured. "Try to be open-minded and you might even enjoy yourselves."
She was unfortunately aware that nothing she could say would prepare them for a meeting with such an alien culture, but she needed them to at least try to behave in an acceptable way.
An hour or so later they finally noticed an increased activity on the dock. "Gentlemen, the welcome committee has arrived." She observed. "I believe we should go and introduce ourselves. Please, do not bring any weapons and under no circumstances make any sudden movements that could be misunderstood as a threat to the Lord. They are deadly with those swords."
The rowing boat was prepared and all seven of them went ashore. Only then did they realise that Anna had brought her own revolvers.
"What happened to not bringing any weapons?" Mr Trent asked sheepishly.
"I have to protect you somehow." Her smile was ironic enough to bring a deep frown to Commander Morrison's face.
But there was no time for bickering now. The boat had docked and they disembarked clumsily, suddenly finding solid ground a bit tricky after so long at sea. They filed out and stood waiting, surveying the local lord and his entourage.
Facing them stood at least fifty armed warriors, looking fierce in their battle armour. Behind, perhaps the same number of soldiers stood, holding the horses. Lottie knew very well that they would be cut down in seconds if this first meeting went badly for any reason.
The Japanese were looking at the newcomers with apprehension, but also with curiosity. They had naturally heard about the Black Ships and the brazen Americans. But the people who faced them now didn't look at all intimidating. Even dressed in their best, the civilian financiers looked a little shabby in comparison to the silks and lacquered armours of the samurai. Only the soldier presented himself well enough in his uniform.
When the silence started to weigh on them uncomfortably, one of the Gai-Jin stepped forward and bowed deeply, taking off a hat. A murmur of surprise and awe rippled through the Japanese ranks, when long blond hair fell freely and they realised it was a woman. None of them had ever seen a white woman before and her golden hair combined with a pair of blue eyes seemed to make her in their eyes even more exotic and fascinating.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...