Chapter 20

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The meeting between the two Lords was private. Once again they convened at the Lord Matsuda's residence where they could speak freely.

Initially, neither of them spoke, both drinking their tea in deep contemplation.

Lord Matsuda observed his friend with great curiosity. Takeda-Sama looked at least ten years younger and in his whole posture and body language was viral energy and... contentment.

Matsuda naturally realised the reason behind that wonderful change and suddenly thought that maybe the time had come to get a young and spirited concubine for himself?

"My Lord, I observe that the local air must suit you." The host smiled with a twinkle in his eye.

"Thank you... The rest I got was obviously much needed before my trip north. I am not a young man any more." Lord Takeda announced with mock sadness.

Hearing that, Matsuda could only smile again, but he left it without a comment.

After tea, the host proposed a short stroll in the gardens. Now, when they were alone and free of any potential eavesdropping, they could speak freely.

"Lord Takeda, have you managed to find out anything new about Gai-Jin?"

"The men are fools and are without any manners. Luckily, I will not have to suffer them for much longer."

"And the woman?"

"She..." Takeda hesitated. "She is extraordinary. She possesses an enormous strength and great vulnerability at the same time. She doesn't have anybody left to care for her and so she was forced to become a warrior to survive. She has definitely got the soul of samurai."

"But is she in any way dangerous?"

"Oh, she is very dangerous." Takeda smiled. "But only to those who stand in her way... She trusted me, sharing the story of her life. It is a very sad story, but nothing I learned made me suspect that she was hiding anything." He was choosing his words carefully. "I have concluded she is here only in he official capacity as an interpreter."

"My friend, I have never heard you talking about any Gai-Jin with such respect."

"Ana-San is so different from all the others. She is intelligent, determined and fiercely independent."

"And beautiful?" Supplanted Matsuda.

"Hai, beautiful." Takeda's voice became dreamy. "She is truly dazzling."

"But could that in itself be dangerous?" Matsuda was cautious.

Lord Takeda snapped back from his reverie. "I have never met anybody, especially a woman, who didn't want absolutely anything from me. She refused all the gifts I offered her and we have never even mentioned politics."

"Are you sure it is not a ruse?"

"If she asked, there are not many things I would have refused her." Takeda confessed, in this moment clearly realising for the first time the extent of his feelings for Anna. "Despite the strength of her character there is in her some helplessness that captivates me. I wish to protect her and... make her happy. But she refused the invitation to my domain."

"My friend, I have never seen you like this." Matsuda was deeply moved.

"I am simply happy. Here and now... It is not Ana-San who is dangerous to us. Indeed, I fear for her own safety." Here Lord Takeda relayed the facts regarding the man who followed Anna, after killing her bodyguard. "I just don't understand, why would anyone wish her harm? None of my enemies could hope to gain anything from that."

"You must take all precautions and always be on your guard, my friend."

"I have my people keeping an eye on anything suspicious."

The Lords bowed to each other in mutual understanding.

"What are we going to do with Gai-Jin?" Lord Matsuda changed the subject. "They are growing restless."

"How long until the Shōgun's men arrive?"

"I've got reports they were setting out today."

"It's about time!" Takeda said with derision. "It is very disrespectful to keep the foreigners waiting in here for so long."

"That's true, but out of our control."

"Perhaps you would be so generous to invite the Americans again?" Lord Takeda suggested with a deep consideration. "This time with some entertainment?"

Matsuda raised his brow, but nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps tomorrow?" Asked Takeda.

"Yes, I think I feel inclined to generosity."

"Until tomorrow then."

They parted with a bow.

There was nothing more to discuss.

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