Lord Takeda called for doctor Mushiso to be brought before him.
"My Lord." The physician bowed and knelt in front of his liege.
"What is your opinion about Ana-San?" The intonation was neutral, as if of a question posed by a master enquiring about a servant.
"I believe that physically she is recovering very well. Better than I had anticipated, in fact. Soon she will be able to commence her training, if that is what you wish for."
Takeda noticed that his physician was choosing his words carefully. "But?" His eyebrow rose slightly.
"But mentally she is still extremely fragile."
"What would be your recommendation?"
"To distract her with something. Take her mind of the loss."
The Lord nodded in agreement. "That is also my opinion. Can she ride?"
"I expect so. But not too far and not with any degree of exertion."
"Good. Thank you, Mushiso-San."
After the doctor's departure Takeda chose for Anna one of his own riding hakama and went to her rooms.
Sumiko bowed low when he entered. He handed her the clothes. "Make sure your Lady is ready to go out in a short while. Now go and instruct my groom to saddle the horses."
"Hai, My Lord." With a bow she disappeared to follow his orders.
"Ana-San," He stood in front of the sitting figure, towering over her. "We are going for a short trip. Mushiso says that you can ride, if you are careful." She looked at him dispassionately, without a single thought or emotion displayed on her face. "I told you before, I had a surprise for you." He continued undeterred; his tone even. "Please, dress accordingly. I will expect you shortly in the courtyard." He left, not waiting for the reply. Obviously he didn't expect her to do anything else, but obey.
On her return Sumiko found Anna trying on the garment left for her by the Lord. It was easy to put on, even without any help, but the maid assisted nevertheless and then bound Anna's hair with a simple ribbon. Satisfied with her efforts, she lifted both swords from their stand and handed them to the Lady with a bow.
Carrying them in her hand, Anna stepped out of the room, first time in weeks. The maid was walking ahead, as always, showing her the way out of the building. The people they met on the way moved out of Anna's path and bowed politely. Seemingly, they had accepted her as samurai.
Lord Takeda waited patiently next to the saddled horses. His heart skipped a beat when he caught the sight of her. Anna was very pale and her face was drawn, but she was still very beautiful and he couldn't take his eyes of her. Despite her recent ordeal, she moved with natural elegance and poise.
He noticed that she was carrying the swords in her hand. "My Lady," He nodded to her as if nothing had happened. "Allow me to show you how to place your swords comfortably."
"Arigatō gozaimasu, Takeda-Sama." She bowed.
He explained that the smaller sword goes first and katana sits a little higher, ready to be drawn in an instant, if necessary. She took it all in without another word.
"I have a gift for you." Takeda indicated one of the horses. "You will need a suitable mount."
Anna stepped closer and extended her hand, gently touching the horse's nose. He was dark brown, with a shiny coat and an elegant neck. His legs were long and graceful. He regarded her with his intelligent eyes for a while and then bumped her shoulder with his head, as if demanding a treat or a caress.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...