It was their last day in Kyōto. The whole household was busy preparing for their departure, but for the Lord it was a quiet time. Pensively he sipped his tea, considering his latest conversation with the Emperor.
Anna's unexpected arrival startled him.
"Forgive me, my Lord," She bowed, surprised to find him alone in this quiet spot. "I didn't know you were here." She was about to withdraw.
"Please, sit with me." He stopped her. She sat opposite, waiting for him to speak. "Have you had any news about Sumiko?"
His question surprised her again - unusually for a Great Lord, he had always taken interest in his people. "No, My Lord."
"Hasn't Kazuki mentioned anything to you?"
"No. Perhaps it was bad news?... I didn't want to pry."
"We will find out soon enough. But I hope she is well... I'm sure you will be happy to meet your father again." He changed the subject. "He will be very proud hearing about your conduct here."
"Thank you, My Lord. I am looking forward to our quiet life. And to seeing your son again... He would be a good companion for Prince Sachi." She added, as this thought occurred to her. "Perhaps Haru could come to Kyōto with us next year?"
Lord Takeda looked at her with astonishment. How could she know that the Emperor had suggested that same thing during their meeting?
"Could I serve you in any way, my Lord?" She asked after a lengthy pause.
"Am I boring you?" His eyes twinkled.
"My Lord," She was truly shocked by that suggestion. "I am always honoured to be in your presence. But I have much to do before our departure tomorrow."
"Nonsense." He dismissed it. "Leave it to the servants."
"Yes, My Lord."
They sat in silence for a long time. He watched her, once again marvelling at her beauty and the way she made him feel. He knew each line of her face and could read every feeling she was experiencing. Yet, each time he looked at her, he discovered something new, something he had never noticed before. He knew well that this scrutiny always made her uncomfortable, but it was one of his guilty pleasures to watch her thus.
"My Lord." She dared to speak eventually.
"Why don't you like me looking at you?" He smiled. "You are so beautiful."
"Every time you look at me like that... I'm afraid you will find a flaw." She confessed. "I'm getting older with each passing day."
"As do I!" He laughed.
"You will always remain the same in my eyes."
"And so will you, in mine." He reached out and stroked her face. "Every time I look at you I find you more perfect." He said quietly, in wonder. "I don't understand how it is possible, but you seem to grow more beautiful with each passing day."
She reddened, embarrassed. But then her lips twitched and she said pretending to be seriously concerned. "My Lord, I'm afraid that your eyesight might be failing you."
He burst out laughing at that, but then pretended to be offended. "You also seem to get more insolent! It must be Kazuki's bad influence."
"I beg your forgiveness, My Lord." With a big grin she bowed to the floor.
They left the next morning. Lord Takeda rode at the front, surrounded by his samurai. Lady Mariko was riding beside him, choosing horseback over a palanquin. Anna was nowhere to be seen. Curious eyes followed the procession, but there was no trouble.
Only after they left Kyōto for good and were safe from any covert attack, the Lord moved to the side of the road, letting his people go by. He rejoined the retinue when he spotted Kaze being walked by a stable boy.
"You may ride him now." He spoke to the boy, expecting to see Lottie. But when the bowed head rose, he realised it was Kazuki who looked at him from underneath the big straw hat.
"My Lord," Somebody else stepped out from among the servants and he finally saw Lottie's smiling face. "We thought it prudent to hide me even deeper." She threw off her hat and in one smooth motion mounted Kaze. Kazuki's horse was also brought forward.
"Well, whatever works." The Lord nodded. "Will you join me now? There might be still trouble ahead. I would prefer you safe among my samurai."
"As you wish, My Lord."
But their journey remained uneventful. For safety reasons they avoided stopping in populated areas, choosing instead to stay overnight in open, easily defended spaces.
On the last night before their meeting with Haru and his mother's family Anna went to Lord Takeda's tent. The whole day she had been restless and impatient. She couldn't find herself a place and felt nervous. Every time she looked at Hikaru she felt heat rising in her body and only with difficulty she managed to control her arousal.
He did not expect her and was quite surprised to see her. "Has something happened?"
She stood there silent, suddenly ashamed of herself.
"Lottie," He stepped closer. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, My Lord. I just... I need you."
He looked at her for a moment, registering the desire so clearly visible on her face. Then he leaned closer and kissed her passionately. A shiver run through her body and a moan escaped her lips when he caressed her neck. With a knowing smile he pulled her towards the futon. She made love to him with an urgency and passion she had never exhibited before.
As if she was afraid it was their last night together.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...