After arriving at the residence of Haru's maternal family, Lottie asked for permission to stay outside, with the soldiers. "My Lord, there is no need for me to enter the house with you." She bowed. "You will be safe here. And I would be intruding."
For once he didn't argue. "As you wish." He nodded his assent.
She spent most of the time play-fighting with Haru, grooming Kaze, who was as bored as she was, and trying to avoid the curious stares following her everywhere.
A few days later, when all the requirements of etiquette were satisfied, Lord Takeda thanked his hosts and announced his imminent departure. This time he was to take both his daughters with him; Kumiko and Shinsoni were to spend the whole winter with their father.
Privately, Hikaru shared his thoughts with Lottie just before their departure. "I've just realised I do not know my children. Thanks to you I am now much closer with Haru, but the girls..." He fell silent.
"My Lord, I'm sure you were just doing what you thought best for them." She said delicately. "A samurai will not know much about raising daughters."
"Yes. But now Mariko is a woman herself and I have you."
"Me?" She was taken aback.
"Children seem to like you on first sight. You are a very good role model for Haru and I wondered... Would you consider looking after my daughters as well?" Suddenly he was unsure of himself. "However, if you deem it too much..." He tried to backtrack, but she stopped him.
"My Lord," She bowed. "I will be honoured to spend time with your daughters." Her face was blank, her tone neutral.
"Lottie," For the first time he couldn't read her expression. "It is not an order! I will be happy if you taught them your values, but... I will understand if you don't want to."
"My Lord," She smiled with sadness. "Hikaru, you know I love Haru with all my heart. I will also love your girls and protect them as I would any member of your family.... This is perhaps the closest I can get to being a mother." She added wistfully.
"My love, we talked about it. It is not your fault. And I do not love you any less for it. I asked, because I can see the positive influence you have had on my son, my sister and... on me."
"On you?" She asked playfully, sadness swiftly forgotten. He had that effect on her.
"Haven't you noticed?" He feigned surprise. "Since we met, I am a different man."
"Since I didn't know you before, I couldn't have noticed a change. Explain, please."
"I am a better father to my son. I want to be a better father to my daughters. I am a better brother and a better Lord. And I am simply a better man. All of that thanks to you."
"As always, you exaggerate my influence, My Lord." Her eyes twinkled happily. "It is I who owe you everything."
"You owe me nothing. Nothing!" He repeated for the emphasis. "You saved my life and the life of my son. You conducted yourself with honour at the Imperial Court. And..." He added quietly. "You gave me happiness I could not have imagined." He embraced her. "You are my true soulmate. I love you."
Once again she felt his heartbeat next to hers and heard the truth in his voice. And once more she thought with conviction that she had finally found her place on Earth. And this place was here, at the side of Lord Takeda.
They stopped for the midday break in a picturesque valley, ablaze with all the colours of the coming Autumn. "It's beautiful." A sigh escaped Lottie. "If only I could paint that."

Lady Samurai
Historische Romane'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...