Three weeks later the imperial doctors declared the outbreak to be over. It was safe for the Emperor to return to his palace and everything seemingly returned to its normal rhythm.
One day Anna was taken by surprise, when Mariko turned up at the dojo and announced that she had received an invitation from Lady Nakayama. Lottie had been practicing with Kazuki and found herself in a quite uncomfortable position; she was sweaty and somewhat disheveled. "My Lady," She bowed. "Allow me a few moments to make myself presentable..."
"Lady Nakayama sent some clothes for you." Mariko cut her off. "She wishes you to wear them."
"The invitation includes both of us."
"But I am just a servant."
"Perhaps it has something to do with your actions as the Prince's guard?" Hinted Mariko. "Please, get ready. My maids will help you dress."
Anna took a quick bath and was soon dressed in a very expensive kimono. When she saw it, she was shocked by the quality and beauty of the garment.
"Now it's me who looks like your maid." Mariko said jokingly, surprising even herself by this playfulness.
They were escorted to Lady Nakayama's rooms by one of her personal servants. On entering, Anna realised that it wasn't to be a very private audience. Many high born women from the Lady's entourage were present, although they were sitting some distance away. Prince Sachi was also there, sitting importantly next to his mother. The boy beamed a happy smile at Anna and wanted to run to her immediately, but a quiet word from his mother stopped him.
Mariko and Anna both bowed low after entering, but Lady Nakayama smiled and with a gentle gesture invited them closer.
She was a young woman, no more than twenty. To Anna's eyes she wasn't especially attractive, but she knew that Japan was governed by different beauty ideals than Europe or America. In here, Anna was the ugly one.
"Lady Mariko, Lady Ana." Lady Nakayama greeted them with a graceful nod. "Thank you for visiting."
"My Lady." They both bowed again, astounded by her greeting.
"I wished to express to you my undying gratitude for saving my son's life." She glanced at him with love and pride. "Had you not been present, he would be dead at the hands of an assassin." She looked at Anna.
Unsure how to respond to that, she bowed low. "My Lady, I was honoured to protect the Prince."
"He really likes you." His mother smiled with a mystified expression. "He demanded you would be conscripted into his Imperial Guard and that you also serve as his personal maid. He thinks that you have a lovely singing voice."
Anna almost burst out laughing on hearing that, but composed herself sufficiently to answer. "My Lady, I am happy to have been of any use."
"Only after the Emperor explained to him that you are not a maid, he relented." The mother continued. "But he wanted me to learn some songs from you."
To that Anna could only smile. "My Lady, I would be honoured, but... I've been told many times I can't sing."
"My son claims otherwise." The mother's smile was indulgent. "Regardless, we are all grateful for what you did." She paused for a moment. "In recognition of your services we would like you both to join our court as my Ladies-in-waiting. At least until Lord Takeda's return from Edo." Both women were speechless. This was a great honour. "Nothing could repay for what you've done for us, but please allow me to show my gratitude with these modest gifts." She motioned for the servants who brought forth a big chest and opened it in front of Anna. It was full to the brim with expensive silks, exquisitely decorated hair pins, fans and other valuable trinkets.
Anna bowed to the floor. "My Lady, I didn't do it for a reward. I would have protected the Prince with my life, for no other gift than his smile."
"Mother, can I go to her now?!" Came the impatient voice.
"Yes, you may."
Prince Sachi run to Anna and hugged her.
"My Lord." She bowed, when he finally let her go.
"Lady Ana, I missed your stories."
"And I missed you, Sachi mīn." She smiled with warmth.
After that tea was brought in and women spent a pleasant time, chatting about everything and nothing. Anna was quiet, still overwhelmed by the honour she had been given. But Mariko seemed to be thriving on attention.
When the time came for their departure, Sachi hugged Anna. "Will you come to see me tomorrow?"
"Yes, My Lord." She promised.
"I've missed our games. My mother's ladies don't know how to play monsters." He lowered his voice. "Can we play monsters again?"
"As often as you wish, My Lord." She smiled.
Later that same day Anna received the summons from the Emperor. Unusually, he was accompanied by many of his ministers and advisors.
"Your Highness." She bowed at the door.
"Oh, what has happened to your Lady outfit?" He greeted her with a smile.
She was wearing her usual modest kimono, as she did during their previous meetings. "My Lord, I thought it... impractical."
He laughed at that. He seemed to be more relaxed and at ease than she had ever seen him.
"Ana-San, I am indebted to you for saving the life of my son." He said with gravity. "I will not forget that."
"Your Highness, I only did what any of your servants would in my place. I am honoured that I could spend time with the Prince."
"He is quite taken with you. I would say he is a little in love. He couldn't stop talking about you." She just smiled. "Lady Ana, you bring great credit to the Takeda family. Anyone would be honoured to have your loyalty. I am quite sure that Lord Takeda will also appreciate your conduct in Kyōto. And will be proud."
"Thank you, Your Highness."
"I understand that Lady Nakayama invited you to join her court. However, if you so prefer, you may retain your position of samurai. You will be permitted to dress accordingly and have all the privileges of your state."
This was so unprecedented that Anna gasped. She was recognised as samurai by the Emperor?!... A Gai-Jin?!... "Your Highness, your generosity renders me speechless." She mumbled, truly not knowing how to respond. "But what about my... origins?" She asked delicately.
"I am told that there was previously a Gai-Jin samurai, in service of Tokugawa clan. Surely, the Shōgun can't object to my actions that merely mirror that of his esteemed ancestor."
Anna didn't have to imagine what the Shōgun would think. She was more worried about Saitō and his hatred for Hikaru.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...