Lord Takeda spent the whole day at the palace, being fêted by the Emperor and entertained by Lady Nakayama. On his return, he went straight to Lottie's rooms.
"My Lord." She was surprised, but greeted him with a low bow.
"We need to talk." He indicated for her to sit opposite. But instead of talking, he just stared at her with strange intensity.
His gaze unnerved her. Was he somehow displeased with her? "My Lord?" She stammered.
"I am waiting for the explanation." His face betrayed nothing.
"For your behaviour yesterday. Not the greeting I was expecting." His face still inscrutable.
"Oh..." She stiffened, yet remained silent.
"Lottie, has something happened?"
"Nothing, My Lord."
"You must answer me!" He had never been that impatient with her and that, more than anything, compelled her to speak.
"I was afraid... you might... not want me anymore." Her words came broken, as if she couldn't catch a breath.
"Hm, I'm sure we cleared that question last night." His lips twitched in a suppressed smile. "But why would you think that?"
"We all heard about... your search for a new wife. Perhaps..."
He didn't let her finish. In an instant he was beside her, pulling her into his arms. "My beautiful Lottie," He whispered with deep affection. "There will never be a woman to replace you in my heart. I love you. It was just a necessary deception. Besides, it was your own idea." He smiled.
"I was afraid you might... forget me. Or fall in love with somebody else."
"Never!" He assured, kissing her. "Why would you ever even think that?" He repeated.
"I've heard courtiers talk." She confessed and related to him what she had overheard.
"Courtiers will always gossip." He dismissed it. "They're just bored. But if you still need any assurances of my feelings..." His dark eyes twinkled mischievously. "I can prove them here and now."
She reddened, clearly seeing the desire in his eyes.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered, pulling her with him onto the floor.
"My Lord, I have never known you to dress so elaborately." She remarked some time later, when they were once again sitting facing each other, many layers of his clothes strewn carelessly around them on the floor. "Have you become a dandy during your stay in Edo?"
He smiled at that and she noted that his face expressed only pleasure and contentment. "I could not have appeared in front of the noble families in my old clothes. Besides, refreshing my wardrobe presented an excellent excuse to visit my favourite silk merchant in Kanagawa."
"Have you..." She gasped, but stopped mid-sentence.
"Yes, I met Reiko. She was very pleased to hear that you were safe. She gave me something of yours." He smiled.
"My rifle."
"Yes. And some papers. But I have something else for you." The Lord summoned a servant and ordered him to bring a package from his rooms. Lottie looked at him with curiosity, but by now she knew better than to ask. As he told her many a time, the anticipation greatly enchanted the pleasure of receiving a gift itself.
In the meantime, he told her about his visit to the palace. "You have made quite an impression. Almost everyone I met had high praise for you. The Prince even asked me to release you from my service, so you could enter his household." He smiled with pride. "Your behaviour brings honour to my family."
"Thank you, My Lord, but I only did what I thought right."
He acknowledged her modesty with a nod.
The servant returned with the requested package and Hikaru handed it to Lottie with a happy smile.
She hesitated for a moment, allowing him in turn the pleasure of anticipation. Inside the package were... her revolvers. And several boxes of bullets. She looked at him, completely astonished. "But, I thought they were lost. How?..."
"My people found them after the ambush when you and Kazuki were nearly killed last year. I knew they were useless without ammunition, so I kept them hidden. But now I was able to procure new bullets from the American traders. Happy Birthday." He said in English.
Lottie was completely speechless. Perhaps for the first time in her life. "Thank you." She whispered finally.
He only smiled with apparent joy.
She took the guns out and touched them with mixed feelings. They felt heavy and awkward in a hand so used to a sword, but they were something she had always felt comfortable with.
"I will have to practice a lot to polish my skills. Thank you." She repeated, this time with a grin. "But my birthday isn't until next week."

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...