From this day on Anna spent a lot of time talking to the Emperor, explaining the complexities of the world's politics and the tensions between different nations, as far as she understood them. Her frequent visits to the main part of the palace did not go unnoticed, but the court gossip was that she had become a mistress of one of the lesser officials. It couldn't be avoided, but still, she thought of Hikaru's reaction when he would hear about it.
All she could do was to play along.
It was about a month into their stay in Kyōto. They were, as always, returning to the Lord Takeda's residence after a full day at the palace. Anna was walking next to the palanquin with Lady Mariko inside. She was tired and longed only for a bath and a massage. Then, quite unexpectedly, her instinct warned her of danger: she felt a prickling unease, as if somebody was watching her. She stepped a little closer to Kazuki, who was walking a few paces away. "I think we are being watched." She whispered.
"I felt it too." Without moving his head he scanned the street for any signs of danger.
"Would anybody dare to attack us so close to the palace?"
"If Saitō's behind it, everything is possible." He grumbled.
"Alert the guards." She ordered. "I will let Mariko know."
Kazuki moved away, while she stepped closer to the palanquin. "My Lady," She said quietly. "Please, prepare yourself. It is quite possible we will be attacked."
"I'm ready." Came the calm reply.
Anna reached into her robe and grabbed the hilt of the knife concealed there. She wished she had her swords with her, but Tanto would have to suffice. She observed the guards with pride; their pace remained seemingly unchanged, but she could clearly sense a state of alertness among them.
Then the attack came. Masked bandits ran towards them with their swords raised. The street, until that moment teeming with people, emptied in a blink of an eye. Nobody wanted to be caught in a fight. The guards, specially chosen by Lord Takeda and constantly drilled by Kazuki, formed a tight cordon around the palanquin and met the attackers with their own swords drawn. There were shouts and clang of steel on steel as the two forces collided.
Anna met the closest attacker in a classic samurai stance. His sword had longer reach, but her Tanto allowed her much greater manoeuvrability. She had trained hard for such a situation for the past several months. With graceful movements and superior skills she engaged in the fight. After a few exchanges she feigned an attack on his left side and when her opponent raised an arm to block the cut, she stabbed him with two quick thrusts just above the edge of the breastplate. She pulled the knife free and, with a spray of blood, he collapsed at her feet. She grabbed his sword as it fell to the ground. The weapon was heavier than her katana and not so well balanced, but it would have to do.
She judged that they were facing no more than ten attackers, but she suspected there were others, hiding in the nearby buildings, perhaps armed with crossbows, ready to kill from the distance.
She faced another assailant. Pirouetting on the balls of her feet she avoided his cuts and parried his stabs. She felt focused and calm. Anticipating his movements seemed to be quite easy in this state of mind. After a few more exchanges, with a downward swipe she cut deeply into his neck, severing the artery and his arm in the process. He was dead even before he fell to the ground.
And then she heard a whack of an arrow, as it struck the chest plate of a samurai fighting next to her. She couldn't see where the attack was coming from, still occupied with the bandits in front of her. "Kazuki!" She shouted, looking around in search of him. But he was gone. Having located the place where the shooter was concealed, he was already running towards it.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...