Chapter 27

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Lord Takeda was riding a little ahead of his men, deep in thought. He was still worried about Anna. Each memory of her stabbed him with sadness. How he missed her. Her voice, her warm smile, her defiance. How he yearned to embrace her again and feel her heartbeat next to his...

These last two days without her had been insufferable.

What he took initially for a simple infatuation, turned out to be something more. Something stronger. He suddenly realised that he needed to see her every day and to enjoy her company. He just wanted to be with her.

A deep sigh escaped him.

But he knew well that it was quite impossible. She couldn't stay here. It was too dangerous.

What if something happened to her on the way to her adoptive parents? With a start he realised that he didn't even know the location of the village where she grew up... Why hadn't he asked?!

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shout from a guard. "A horseman!"

Indeed, a lonely horseman was approaching fast from the west. He was expertly frisked before being allowed to stand in front of the Lord.

"Takeda-Sama." He bowed very low. "I carry a letter from His Highness the Emperor."

Nabutada collected the letter and inspected it carefully. It bore the unmistakable Imperial seal. He handed it to his Lord and stepped back. Lord Takeda broke the seal and read the letter. His brow furrowed.

He read it again.

It was an official invitation to the Imperial Court in Kyōto. The type of invitation that couldn't be disregarded, no matter how inconvenient.

He felt exasperation. He wanted to go home. He missed the severe beauty of the mountains and... the peace of mind. He was also hoping to meet his son, who he hadn't seen for a long time now. Besides, he really disliked the Imperial Court with its intrigues, nepotism and superficiality.

But later he thought there must have been something more behind this invitation. Perhaps the Emperor had heard about Gai-Jin? And about his own involvement?... And was now seeking explanations?

Either way, Lord Takeda had no choice, but to obey. With a dose of foreboding, he ordered a change of direction and they turned south, towards Kyōto.

His unexpected arrival in the Western Capital plunged the servants of his official residence into a frenzy of activity. They were hurriedly replenishing the food stores, airing the rooms and preparing the Lord's clothes.

Takeda was indifferent to all that. He was so tired on his arrival that he longed only for a bath and a massage. Stretched on a low table he allowed Jiro, his personal masseuse, to prod him and knit his sore muscles.

"My Lord is very tense." Jiro commented with a crooked smile. "Shall I send a girl to your rooms?"

"No!" The Lord tensed even more.

"Perhaps a boy?" Jiro asked with a sly grin. He knew he was safe teasing his master like this. They shared a special kind of relationship, forged during many years when Lord Takeda had often considered the advice from a man who had also advised his father. "Maybe a girl and a boy?" Jiro chuckled.

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