Chapter 37

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They lived quietly, in harmony with nature and with each other.

Often Anna would talk to Kazuki, urging him to return to the service of Lord Takeda. "I am quite safe here. There is nothing that could happen to me. Besides, why would anyone try to hurt me?"

"My Lady." He answered invariably with the same argument. "I have my orders and will follow them."

"But surely, Lord Takeda did not intend for you to become a fisherman. I am quite sure he misses your services, whatever they might have been."

Kazuki just shrugged, not willing to admit that the Lord had known where they were and that he obviously didn't need them... Either of them!

"Kazuki, I feel bad, knowing that because of me you are forced into this kind of life." She persisted.

He looked at her for a moment, considering how truthful he should be. "Ana-San, there are much worse ways to live."

What could she say to that?

Kazuki thought of it as well. He had to admit to himself that he liked living here. The life was hard and in winter it would be harder still, but it was an honest and peaceful life. A life he hadn't experienced for a long time and, truthfully, didn't expect to ever live again. The physical work was satisfying and his friendship with Ana-San let him think that he had a family again.

So he wasn't going to complain. If his Lord forgot about them, Kazuki was happy enough to live the rest of his life here...


Although this far north the summer was already coming to an end, the day was very hot and humid. It looked as if a great storm was coming later, but for the moment it was unbearable.

Anna felt her kimono sticking uncomfortably to her back and, hoping for a cool breeze at sea, offered to join Kazuki on the boat.

There was no wind, so he had to row, but he didn't mind. It was still a good workout, stretching his shoulder muscles.

Anna was sitting up front, trailing her hand in the cool water. They didn't speak. When they cleared the headland and entered the open sea, Kazuki stowed the oars away and started to strip. It wouldn't be the first time she saw him wearing only fundoshi, a traditional Japanese undergarment, but she discreetly averted her eyes. She heard a big splash, when Kazuki jumped in.

She waited for him to appear again on the surface, but there was no sign of him. After a while she got worried and leaned over the side to peer into the water. At that same moment a hand came out, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in.

She went under, before she managed to draw a breath. The shock of cold water on her hot skin was so great that she found herself choking and fighting for air.

A strong arm went around her waist and pulled her to the surface, supporting her. The other hand was gently removing wet hair from her face. "We need to dye your hair again." Kazuki smiled mischievously, as if nothing had happened.

Still spluttering and gasping for breath, she instinctively put her arm round his neck to stay above the water. When she was finally able to draw breath, she wiped her face with her free hand.

"You presume too much, my man!" She exclaimed in the most aristocratic tone she could muster, stabbing her finger into his chest.

She pushed him away and swam to the other side of the boat. By the time she got there, Kazuki was already out of water and wrapping himself in his kimono. He extended his hand, offering the assistance. She was tempted to decline, but her tight and wet kimono prevented her from managing for herself and she accepted. He grabbed her by the arms and literally lifted her out of water.

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