Lord Takeda twitched on hearing the gun shots. It was like the sound of thunderstorm overhead.
Only one thing could make that sound.
He immediately knew it must have been Anna. And she was in mortal danger. He knew she had a limited amount of ammunition and would only have used her guns as the last resort. He kicked his horse and forced him to the maximum speed.
The sounds of battle were coming from behind the trees, some distance ahead and to the left. Then a solitary rider appeared, galloping away, towards the hill. Two more horsemen followed, close in pursuit.
The Lord shouted to Nabutada, ordering him to take most of his men onward into the trees to engage in the battle and to prevent any more bandits from following. Takeda and his remaining men veered towards the hill to tackle the two attackers who were still chasing the single rider. He knew it must be Lottie.
His horse seemed to be flying, despite its exhaustion, and soon they were closing the gap. His men were keeping pace with their Lord and with a skill drilled into them from early childhood, in full gallop they loosened arrows from their long bows. Both bandits were hit square in the back and they fell from their horses, dead before they hit the ground.
Takeda could clearly see that Anna's horse was slowing down. Then he noticed an arrow embedded in his flank. Dread and fear assailed him as he saw another arrow protruding from Lottie's shoulder and he realised that she had been badly wounded.
Reaching the injured animal, he guided it to a stop, jumped off his horse and rushed to Anna's side. He was just in time to catch her slipping off the saddle. He laid her gently on the ground, kneeling next to her.
Her eyes flickered open briefly, but her world was unfocused and full of shadows. The shadows were surrounding her... Some were leaning over her...
"Kazuki..." She managed weakly, before fainting.
When she came round, she was lying on the ground. A man leaned over her and, terrified, she tried to push him away. But he stopped her with a gentle gesture. "My Lady, I am Mushiso... The doctor." He was speaking softly, to calm her. "You are safe now. You have been injured, but I took out the arrow and the wound looks clean. You are safe now." He repeated.
She felt very disoriented and weak. She tried to focus, but her thoughts were slipping away. "Kazuki... We were ambushed..." Memories finally flooded back.
"Kazuki was also injured, but he will live." Mushiso assured her calmly.
She made a move as to get up again, but once more he stopped her.
"My Lady, you must rest..."
She closed her eyes, fazing his voice out. Something was bothering her. Something about this man, the doctor... She knew him... And then she remembered the other man, the man who caught her before she fell down... His dark eyes filled with worry.
Her own eyes snapped open, when she heard that familiar voice not far from where she was lying.
He noticed she was conscious and approached quickly. He knelt next to her and held her hand in his. "Ana-San. You are safe now." He couldn't manage anything more from his tight throat.
"My Lord," She tried to rise, but he gently pushed her back.
"You must rest, My Lady. You have lost a lot of blood. Do not worry... You are safe now." He repeated.
But she couldn't hear him any more. Her world went dark and she fainted again...
Lord Takeda wished to transport her immediately to his castle, but his physician advised rest. Finally they compromised to stay in place until the next day and the Lord gave orders to set up a camp.
When Anna woke up again, she realised it was dark and that she was resting inside an improvised tent.
Hikaru was sitting at her side, watching her with concern clearly visible on his face. "Lottie, you are safe now. You don't have to worry any more." He realised he had promised her that before and yet, she was lying here, injured.
"Kazuki?" She whispered with concern.
"He was seriously wounded, but he will survive." He reassured her, ignoring the fact that she had asked that before.
Anna sighed with relief.
She felt heavy and sluggish. Only with difficulty was she able to formulate her thoughts. Everything seemed to be distorted and out of focus. "Why am I so weak?"
"You lost a lot of blood. Mushiso-San had some trouble removing the arrow from your shoulder. He has prepared for you a drink which should strengthen you and at the same time calm you, allowing you to travel in your sleep, without any discomfort."
"Travel?" She didn't understand.
"I am taking you to my castle. Only there will you be safe!"
It was so difficult to gather her thoughts. She felt slipping away again...
"I must return to Edo!" She forced herself to keep her eyes open. "I must go home..."
"Do not worry, my love." He leaned over her and kissed her forehead. "I will take care of you now."
Exhausted, by even such a short conversation, Anna fell asleep again, not hearing anything more he said.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...