Anna had all the comforts and the servants available at the click of her fingers. Her clothes and other personal effects she had left at the inn were soon brought to her and after that nobody bothered her.
But she was bored senseless. She had not seen even a glimpse of Lord Takeda since he had left her alone the previous afternoon. Finally, unable to spend any more time alone, she sent a serving girl with a request to see him.
Anna had fully expected to hear the answer through another servant and perhaps the summons for later, but once again he surprised her, by appearing in her rooms after only a few minutes.
"Ana-San." He bowed. "Could I do something to make your stay here more pleasurable?"
"My Lord, I feel lonely." She confessed. "I have nobody to talk to."
"I didn't wish to impose on you." He said curtly.
Then she understood. She offended him yesterday and this cold treatment was her punishment. But she wasn't somebody who would meekly accept things as they were.
"My Lord, I am here on your explicit invitation." She stressed that word. "And as a gracious host you should feel obliged to entertain me."
He smiled. And this time the smile was warm and friendly. "Ana-San, please forgive me that lack of manners. Indeed, I appear to be a rather poor host. Will you forgive me if I ask you to join us for a feast? One of my samurai has just received news that his wife has given him a healthy son. I intend to celebrate that occasion with my household. There is nothing inappropriate in that." He added. "Everybody will be present. And perhaps we could talk a little more?"
"I will be honoured, My Lord." She bowed in thanks. After almost two days of solitude she would agree to anything.
"Would you like to change into something less... unorthodox?" His tone suggested that it would be appropriate.
"My Lord, you forget that my kimono was damaged."
"Ah, that is not a difficulty. I am quite sure the servants will find you something suitable among my wife's clothes..." He stopped mid-sentence, suddenly realising how that might sound to her.
It surprised her. Obviously he took into account her feelings regarding her status in his house. Maybe there is still hope for you?! She thought with amusement.
"My Lord, it is a very generous offer. But," She was very carefully choosing her words. "Couldn't this be misunderstood?"
He instantly caught her meaning. Her concern wasn't only for her. It was also for his position and how it could look to others if she wore his late wife's clothes.
"Ana-San." He inclined his head in thanks. He was obviously impressed by her thoughtfulness. "These clothes, as indeed everything in this house, belong to me. Narumi died many years ago and I don't see any reason to be reproached for offering you one of her kimonos."
"Thank you, My Lord." She smiled. How is it that he always knows what I'm thinking? She mused. "I will be ready as soon as possible." She bowed.
"Oh, do not concern yourself with the time. We will not start without you. Our highly valued guest."
His face lit again with this mischievous grin. When he smiled like that, he looked so much younger. And she had to admit to herself that she liked it. He summoned the servant women and with an imperious face ordered that all the kimonos be presented to Anna for choosing and that she would be made ready for the banquet.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...