He left her in the afternoon.
"Rest, my love." He kissed her gently. "I must attend to a few things now."
"I don't need a rest." She stretched sensually. "I need to do something."
"Tomorrow." He smiled. "Tomorrow I will have a surprise for you. Today you must rest."
"When will I see you again, My Lord?"
"In the evening."
He left.
Anna slowly got dressed, thinking about everything that had happened recently. She smiled happily and put a hand on her belly thinking about their child.
"My Lady, may I come in?" Somebody spoke from outside and she recognised the voice of Sumiko.
"Yes, please."
Sumiko was followed by a few maids who brought tea. It seemed it had been accepted that Anna used the Lord's rooms as her own.
Refreshed by tea, Anna decided to return to her quarters. Again, Sumiko was leading the way.
"How long have you been working here?" Anna started the conversation.
"For many years now, My Lady. My mother served the old Lady Takeda."
For the first time Anna thought about Hikaru's parents. His father must have passed away, but she hoped that his mother didn't still live here.
Once inside Anna's room Sumiko asked if she needed anything.
"No, thank you. I'm fine. You don't need to keep me company. I'm sure you have better things to do."
"My Lady." The girl bowed deeply. "It is my pleasure to serve you and make your stay here pleasant."
Anna looked around miserably. There was nothing for her to do and she suddenly felt very alien in these luxurious surroundings.
"Tell me about life here." She asked. "What would you be doing if it wasn't for my arrival?"
"I would serve Lady Mariko and Lord Haru. And when My Lord's daughters visit, I serve them too."
At the mention of his daughters Anna tensed. Of course, she knew he had two daughters. And possibly more children by concubines and lesser wives, but her Western mentality bristled at the thought of that. She felt very possessive of him.
"Does Lord Takeda have any more wives?" She asked quietly, ashamed of herself for asking.
"No, My Lady. Lady Takeda was always his only wife."
"And... other women?"
"My Lord does not keep any concubines at his house, My Lady."
Anna noticed the carefully chosen words and she didn't dare to ask for more details.
"And how about you? Do you have a husband?"
Sumiko blushed slightly. "I have not. But there is somebody..." She confessed shyly.
"Tell me." Anna smiled, glad of the change of subject. "What's his name?"
"Kazuki?" Anna was surprised. "The same Kazuki who was escorting me?" To her knowledge, he had never mentioned a girl.
"Yes, My Lady."
"So what are you doing here, instead of tending to him?"
"Oh, I can't abandon my duties. Besides, he has probably not even noticed me..."
"Let's go!" Anna got up resolutely. "Take me to him. I need to personally make sure he is well cared for."
Sumiko was shocked by this sudden change in her Lady, but obeyed nevertheless. She led Anna through the house to the chamber where Kazuki was recovering from his wounds. She spoke to the servant on duty and announced her Lady's wish to see Kazuki-San. Only moments later they entered.
The man was lying on a futon, but was awake. He tried to rise, but Anna stopped him. "Kazuki-San, please, do not try to get up." She knelt next to him. "I come only to make sure you are well looked after and do not need anything."
"My Lady, I am quite well. I am happy that you are safe now."
His eyes slid towards Sumiko and lingered there for a moment. The girl didn't notice, sitting with her eyes demurely cast down, but it didn't escape Anna's attention.
"I am well thanks to your sacrifice. I will not forget that. Let me tend to you now until you feel better."
"My Lady..." He tried to protest, but she stopped him.
"I remember all the times when you served me and took care of me. This is just a small token of my gratitude. Can I offer you anything? Perhaps some entertainment? I could sing for you..." She offered with an innocent face.
He couldn't stop himself and burst out laughing. She joined him, giggling merrily.
"Please, no!" He gasped, trying to catch breath and wiping tears from his eyes. "My Lady, I'm not sure I am strong enough to endure that!"
There was a sharp intake of breath from Sumiko at that shocking lack of respect, but Anna ignored it. "When you are better, we can regale the household with a duet." Anna was still laughing. "But are you sure that you don't need anything? Some food? Maybe tea?"
"Thank you, My Lady. Tea would be nice."
Without waiting for an order, Sumiko left the room.
Anna observed the look on Kazuki's face. "You like her." She stated without any preamble. "Sumiko."
"My Lady..."
"Don't deny it. I can tell. She likes you too, you know. Although I can't understand why." She grinned again. "I think you should spend some time talking. Do you want to?"
He looked hopeful for a moment, but then his face hardened. "My Lady, she is a nice girl, but... I am bound to you now."
"I can't seek a personal fulfilment when I am still charged with your safety. Besides, who would want a Ronin for a husband?" He added with sadness.
"Kazuki!" Her voice was sharp. "We know each other very well." He just nodded. "So don't start talking nonsense to me. I am perfectly safe here and you need to get better first. Besides, I have never known you to be ashamed of who you are. There is nothing that prevents you from talking to her."
"I don't want her to see me like this... so weak." He was embarrassed.
"Rubbish!" She exclaimed in English, but immediately switched to Japanese. "Women love to tend to their wounded heroes. And you are certainly a hero. You were ready to lay down your life for me."
"It was my duty, My Lady."
Sumiko's return stopped any further exchange.
Together the women propped Kazuki up and helped him to drink.
Anna was teasing and he pretended to be angry, but they both laughed happily, easily reverting to their companionship from a few weeks ago.
Eventually, Sumiko joined in their mirth, although she was a little uncomfortable treating Ana-San without the due reverence. This Gai-Jin was so different from any Japanese Lady she had known...

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...