Anna was delighted with the events of the evening.
She kept reminding herself that it wasn't a dream and that she had been officially made samurai by Lord Takeda. And that he had given her five villages. In truth, she didn't care about the other four. The only one that mattered to her was the one her adoptive parents lived in. Now she will be able to look after them and make their lives easier.
Returning to her rooms after the feast was over, she found Daisho, a double sword stand, where she carefully placed her newly acquired weapons, the way she had observed Lord Takeda doing it.
Sumiko helped her to undress and with a bow disappeared, predicting perhaps that her Lady would soon have a visitor.
Anna sat on the cushion, determined to wait, but then decided to lie down for a while, realising with a start that she felt strangely tired. It had been a long and emotional day.
That's it! She thought. So much had happened that day and she was still weak from her wound.But she couldn't find herself a comfortable position. She sat up, feeling a deepening discomfort and a strange foreboding. For some reason she had a dull pain in her lower back. Maybe her posture was not correct during the feast and that was the reason? Then she felt a sharp stab in her belly, as if someone had actually thrust a knife at her. It was so unexpected she couldn't control the cry of pain that escaped her. Following the pain there was a sensation of something dislodging itself inside her...
Alarmed by the cry from within, Sumiko opened the door slightly and peeked into the room to find Anna rolled in a ball on the floor. There was also blood. Anna was obviously in great pain, moaning and cradling her belly.
Sumiko shouted, shocked by that and rushed inside, looking for the intruder who might have attacked her Lady, but the room was empty. The other servants came running and she ordered them to summon Lady Mariko and Mushiso-San.
The sight of so much blood scared her. She tried to hold Anna, but didn't know what else to do.
Mariko appeared moments later, with her hair unbound and only in her sleeping kimono. The doctor arrived almost at the same time.
Mushiso from the first glance realised what was happening. He ordered servants to do his bidding and came to kneel next to Anna.
"What is wrong with her?" Mariko was also shocked by the amount of blood.
"Ana-San is going to lose her child." The doctor said simply.
Both Mariko and Sumiko looked stricken, but there was no time for questions, as they were soon employed by the Lord's physician.
Lord Takeda felt very relaxed after his bath and massage. Unusually for him, Jiro did not make any insulting comments. He only wished his Lord a good night, smiling knowingly to himself.
Now, wearing only his loose sleeping kimono, the Lord directed his steps towards Anna's rooms. As he felt satisfied, he only wished to share closeness with her and to see her face, when they talked about her new status.
But he was surprised by the unusual commotion in the west wing, where the women's quarters were. There were lights everywhere and servants ran about, carrying pails of water and towels. They all stopped in their tracks and stepped out of his way, bowing low, but they looked scared.
The Lord hastened his steps and came presently at the door of Anna's bedroom. He could hear a commotion from inside and the moaning of pain. He pushed the door open and... literally froze mid-step, seeing Lottie on the floor, with the doctor and Mariko administering to her. There was blood everywhere. So much blood...
Hikaru was about to run to Anna's side, when his sister noticed him. She got up and came towards him. Her white kimono was stained bright red. "My Lord, you should not be here." She said gently.
"What has happened?!" He questioned breathlessly, as his chest contracted painfully. "Is she ill?"
"She has lost her child."
"The child..." He repeated, as if unable to comprehend. He couldn't think straight.
"Please, return to your rooms." Mariko repeated. But when she got no response, she said again, very gently. "Brother, please, let us tend to her."
He looked at her with great pain visible in his eyes, then turned around and left. His mind whirled, asking questions and, not finding any answers, spun aimlessly again. He returned to his apartments, but was unable to just sit there, waiting for news. He strode from wall to wall in a futile attempt to do something meaningful, but it was all for nought. Finally, he managed to control himself enough to sit down, force his mind to focus on meditation and to still his body.
Many hours later Mushiso came in and knelt opposite his master. "My Lord, Ana-San has lost her child. She has lost a lot of blood and after her recent wound I feared for her life..." He heard a sharp intake of breath from Takeda. "However, she is young and strong." He hastened to reassure. "I believe that she will live. But she is very weak and will need much time to recover."
"What could have caused that?" The Lord's voice was deceptively calm.
"Truly, anything, My Lord. The recent injury, the loss of blood, the exhaustion or something with the child itself."
"Could it be because of this morning?" Takeda cut in.
"That is possible." Mushiso was forced to admit, although he knew what the Lord would think.
"Could I see her?"
"She is finally asleep, My Lord. Lady Mariko will stay with her. Perhaps in the morning." Mushiso was deeply saddened by his Lord's grief, so plainly visible on his face. Gai-Jin had made him so happy.
The doctor bowed and left quietly.
Lord Takeda didn't even notice...

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...