They parted their ways in the afternoon. Lord Takeda was to continue north-east, to visit his late wife's relatives, while Anna turned west, towards the coast. They agreed it would be for the best if she wasn't present at his wife's family home. "I will see you in a few days." He held her hand, as if afraid that if he let go, he would never see her again.
"I will be here, My Lord." She smiled.
"Please be careful." His expression was unusually serious. "I don't like leaving you without protection."
"I have Kazuki and Omura-San with me." She laughed. "I will be fine. I will see you in two days, My Lord."
"Hai." He just nodded and forced his horse forward.
Anna bowed low and watched him go. Despite her outward confidence, she couldn't suppress the feeling of a tiny niggling doubt. "Well," She mounted Kaze. "Let's go. No time to waste."
A small group of samurai and Omura's clerks followed her towards Katagami. They camped that night in a field, under clear starry skies, and the next day continued west, towards the coast. The trail led them across a little valley and there Anna experienced a strange feeling of deja-vu. "Kazuki, does this place look familiar to you?" She looked around, uneasy.
"It should!" He snorted. "I almost died here!"
Then the memories of the ambush, when they both had almost been killed, returned. She felt a cold shiver run through her and the scar from the arrow wound tingled. "Let's hope this time we will be more lucky." She spurred her horse in order to leave the place behind.
They reached the village later that day. Anna purposefully chose the way that led close to her adoptive parents' house. Seeing it now, she stopped and seemed to be considering something. "Omura-San, I wish to talk to these people." She announced, pointing to the humble dwelling. "Please go to the main village and arrange our stay. We will join you later."
"But My Lady..." He tried protesting, yet the words died on his lips, when he noticed her expression. He recalled Kazuki's tale of her exploits in America and he just bowed obediently.
She and Kazuki waited for the retinue to disappear around a bend in the road and then they turned towards the lonely house. Once again she surprised her parents at work. Seeing two mounted samurai with Lord Takeda's crest, they fell to their knees, eyes lowered in submission.
"Haha! Otōsan!" She jumped off her horse and rushed to them, taking off her straw hat. "We meet again. I've missed you so much!"
The two prostrated figures looked up in wonder, recognising the voice, but couldn't quite believe their eyes. "Lottie! And Kazuki-San!" They were still bowing humbly. "But how is that possible? How are you here?"
"My Lady, I will stay on guard. Please, go inside." Kazuki's smile was devoid of his usual sarcasm and almost tender. He knew well how she loved these old people.
"Thank you."
Once inside, she let her parents hug her and look her up and down. They couldn't believe her transformation. "Ha!" Haha laughed. "I told you!" She poked her husband's shoulder. "I knew that Lord Takeda would take care of our Lottie."
They sat down and in turn relayed their news. Both her parents were heartbroken, hearing about her miscarriage, but rejoiced in the news that she had found her father, alive and well. They were very proud that their girl had become samurai, but just couldn't believe when she told them that Katagami now belonged to her alone.
"So you are now our Lord... Lady." Haha laughed, pretending to bow low.
"Yes. And my first order of business is to halve all the taxes!" She announced happily. "Later I will arrange for somebody to come and live with you, to help with the heaviest tasks..." A commotion outside caught her attention. She drew her katana and instinctively went to position herself next to the entrance. At the same time the door opened and Kazuki entered, dragging a young boy, who fell to his knees, shaking like a leaf.
"No!" Haha moved to shield the boy. "Don't hurt him! This is Makoto. He lives here with us."
Anna sheathed her sword and looked questioningly at her parents.
"He is an orphan we took in." Otōsan explained. "He helps with work."
"It seems you take in all the strays you meet." Anna laughed. "Where did he come from?"
"He is a local boy, My Lady." They addressed her formally, for the appearances sake. "His parents died last winter."
"Well, I hope he is helpful. Kazuki, go to the village and inform Omura-San that I've decided to stay here for the night. Tell him to send us food and... make sure he pays for it." She added quietly. "And take him with you." She nodded towards the boy.
"Yes, My Lady." Kazuki bowed. "You, boy! Come with me!" He grumbled, going outside.
When they left, Lottie looked at her parents. "Can he be trusted?"
"You suspect that somebody sent him here? But why?"
"We cannot be certain he is not a spy. Besides, he may just talk to somebody in the village and tell them about me. That's valuable information, which might find its way to Lord Takeda's enemies. Endangering us all. We can never be too careful. Therefore, in front of him we need to keep up the pretence... Anyway, I see that your life has improved much since I was last here." She changed the subject, looking around with a smile.
"That is thanks to Lord Takeda. When he visited last year, he left behind a pouch full of money. That's why we were able to take Makoto in."
"He was here?" Her face expressed pure astonishment.
"Yes. Last year, soon after you two left."
Anna once again marveled about Hikaru's generosity. He didn't even mention this visit...
The family spent the evening together, talking about mundane things and in the morning Lottie said her good-byes. "I will make sure you are looked after." She promised. "And please let me know if you need anything."
"Don't worry, my child." They could afford to speak freely as Kazuki made sure that Makoto was out of the way. "You are going to do great things. Going to Kyōto, to advise the Emperor. Who would have thought?"
"Take good care of yourselves." She hugged them close. "I will see you on our way back."
Then she bid her goodbyes to Omura, reminding him about her wishes regarding taxes. After that she and Kazuki retraced their steps and soon met with Lord Takeda. When they met and he saw Lottie, his face relaxed with relief and joy of seeing her again, safe and sound. She rejoined the ranks and they continued their journey onto Kyōto.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...