When she woke again, it was to the feeling of nausea. For a while she thought that she was on a ship again, returning to England. But after a moment she realised she was lying in a litter, with blankets as walls, and the rolling motion was a result of the bearers' gait.
"Yameru..." She tried to speak, but her parched throat managed only a pathetic croak.
But luckily someone heard and the litter stopped. The covers parted and she saw the physician looking in.
"Help me up!" She whispered with urgency.
The look of Anna's face told him she would be sick. He took her hand and helped her to get up. He led her behind a bush, to allow her a little privacy, with a gesture preventing Lord Takeda from following.
"Is she all right? Is it a poison?!" The Lord demanded assurances.
"My Lord." Mushiso bowed slightly. "Ana-San is weakened by the blood loss, but besides that she is fine."
"So what is that?" Lord Takeda pointed in the general direction of the bush.
His physician had already started to guess what might be the reason for Anna's sickness, but decided to keep that to himself for the moment. "Perhaps the movement of the litter is too much for her, My Lord." He ventured.
Anna reappeared after some time. She was very pale and she was swaying slightly.
Mindless of his position, the Lord rushed to her side and supporting her with his arm, he led her back towards the improvised palanquin.
"My Lord, please forgive me." She spoke as loud as she could manage, for the benefit of his men. "My weakness shames me. It is only a small indisposition...."
"My Lady." He stopped the torrent of words coming from her mouth. "His Highness the Emperor ordered me to take a good care of you. You should not suffer any discomfort during this trip. If you allow, we will stop for a short break. Perhaps tea will restore you?"
Still supporting her, he turned his head and gave orders.
Some blankets were set in the shade of the trees and Anna fell on them with relief.
"My Lord." She whispered with a warning. "You should not publicly show me so much..." She hesitated. "...care."
He hushed her with a raised hand.
They sat silent for a while. Lord Takeda was looking at her with strange intensity. "Ana-San." Finally he spoke. "Please, I must know first that you are all right."
"My Lord..."
Again he stopped her. "Lottie, I must know!" He repeated with tension in his voice. His face was grave.
"Takeda-Sama." She bowed low. "I am a little weak, but that's all."
He sighed with relief and his face relaxed. He smiled happily. "You have no idea how worried I was. And how I missed you." He added quietly.
"My Lord, you honour me, but please consider your position." She repeated.
"Could the care I have for an injured woman be in any way inappropriate?" He shrugged her worry.
Soon tea was served and after a few moments some colour returned to Anna's face.
She was looking at Hikaru from behind her lowered eyelids. His face was gaunt and drawn, as if he had lost weight recently. The vertical wrinkle between his brows seemed to be much deeper than she remembered, as if he had been troubled a lot. But his eyes shone with joy and relief and his lips were curling in barely suppressed smile of happiness.

Lady Samurai
Historical Fiction'The Last Samurai' meets 'Shōgun', meets 'The King and I'... For years she believed herself to be cursed. Every time she grew close to someone they were taken away from her, paying the ultimate price. And now the curse struck again... Lottie has be...