— jaehyun might not be his favorite, but his friends definitely were.
jaehyun woke that next morning feeling energetic. he left his bed to enter his bathroom where he washed his face and began brushing his teeth, humming a random tune. with the brush hanging from his mouth he shimmied around his room, picking out articles of clothing while still humming the same tune.
from just beyond the door taeyong watched in amusement at the scene. he had only came over to ask what they would be doing today so he could dress accordingly but instead he got a show.
jaehyun happened to look up at the door after hearing the floorboard creek. his face flushed red from embarrassment. he gasped deeply, his toothbrush got sucked in from the gasp causing him to choke as it went farther down his throat.
"oh my— jaehyun are you okay?"
he nodded, wiping the foam and excess spit that fell out his mouth. he sped walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. inside he pulled at his hair and paced back and forth, mentally slapping himself from being so embarrassing so early in the morning.
after recollecting himself he exited to find taeyong still waiting by the door, as if he was afraid to enter the room. "you can come in."
"i just want to know what we're doing today."
"oh. well, my friend taeil is having a little hangout. we can go there first and then maybe leave and go sightseeing around."
taeyong muttered an "okay" and left back to his room where he got ready. he met with jaehyun about thirty minutes later in the dining hall where a women, dressed in a dress seemingly more expansive than all of his clothes combined, sat poking away at her breakfast omelet.
"jaehyun baby! good morning!" she cooed, waving him over. taeyong's stomach dropped as he realized who the women was. she was beautiful and fit, her black hair flawlessly falling over her shoulders while her dimpled smile lit up the room. jaehyun definitely got his mother's good looks.
"good morning mom." he pecked her cheek. "meet taeyong. my new friend." taeyong did a 90° bow. jaehyun's mother opened her arms, taeyong awkwardly glanced at jaehyun who signaled with his head to just go with it.
taeyong cringed as she pulled him into a overbearing tight hug. "it's so nice to meet you! any friend of jaehyun is welcome here, as long as you're rich of course." she forcefully grabbed his arm, examining the numbers. "and you, are surely rich."
"yes ma'am." he responded.
"well mom, taeyong and i are going over to taeil's for a bit. we'll eat at his house."
"nonsense." she clapped her hands together. two maids came rushing from who knows where. "taeyong honey, tell them what you want to eat."
"i'm fine mrs. jung. thank you though."
"if you say so. be safe you two and make sure to come home before 9. the chefs are making roast for dinner."
jaehyun nodded and grabbed taeyong, quickly dragging him out of the house. "i had no idea she was in there. sorry about that." he apologized.
"you're mom is lovely." taeyong didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic but that's exactly how it came out. jaehyun chucked.
"i know. a real charmer."
. . .
in the ride over to taeil's house jaehyun informed taeyong on how taeil was. everything from him being super awkward to him being a closeted gay, much like himself. well, to his family at least.

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS