with his hunger contained and stomach full to the brim taeyong allowed jaehyun to guide— more like tug, him back to their shared suite. the peak of taeyong's high had ceased to where he could control his movement but his brain was still fuzzy.
when the elevator doors slid open jaehyun stopped taeyong from entering. confused, he looked up from the carpeted floor to meet eyes with a woman who seemed about his age. "ah. funny running into you again jaehyun."
"you know her?" taeyong pointed at her lazily. jae nodded with a faint smile.
"kinda. we met on the stairs."
"well i should get going." as she walked passed taeyong he felt a slight tug on his jacket's pocket. he looked back at her to see if anything was in her hand but all she carried was her clutch that matched the color of her dress.
"she's cute." he commented as the doors slid shut. jaehyun acknowledged the comment with a simple "eh" and shrug to his shoulders. once on their floor and in front of their door jaehyun started to pat his pockets in a frantic panic.
he dug into them deeply, the only items coming out was his phone and a stale piece of chewed gum wrapped in its wrapper. "we have a slight problem. my key card is gone."
"well..." taeyong reached into his pocket and pulled out both his and jaehyun's key. the males both furrowed their brows. "why is your key in my pocket?"
"i don't know. did you pick pocket me?" jae scoffed, took the key into his own hand and opened the door. taeyong didn't remember taking the key but then again he didn't remember much of anything in the moment.
as jaehyun closed the door behind them taeyong instantly stripped off his jacket and white shirt, tossing it lazily onto the couch. his fingers fumbled with his pants buckle. a groan escape his lips as he couldn't manage to undo it.
"jae help me. it's stuck." he whined, tugging on his tight jeans. jae gulped at the sight. shirtless taeyong wasn't anything new but having to help unbutton his jeans was.
"i—uh. can't you manage it?" taeyong shook his head no, his arms falling limp at his side's. jae couldn't believe what he was doing. taeyong was such a kid when high. it felt weird but left his stomach fluttering. as he approached taeyong the two made eye contact.
his stare was deep, eyes still glossed over from his high. jae averted eye contact to focus on the button in which he unhooked easily. "unzip the zipper." taeyong's breath was warm and smelt of faint alcohol. "please."
taeyong felt every movement of jaehyun's hands. his skin tingled at the soft accidental touches jaehyun left on his pants line. when jae managed to unzip the zipper taeyong waited for him to continue in which he yanked down his jeans, leaving them to pool at his ankles.
at the sight of taeyong, clad in his boxer briefs jae stepped back; his head hot and mouth suddenly dry. "don't!" he shouted as taeyong slipped his fingers under the waistband of his underwear. "don't get fully naked in front of me."
"but i have to shower."
"shower tomorrow! just go to sleep for right now."
"if you say so." jae waited for taeyong to climb the stairs for him to tug at his hair, internally screaming. he paced around the room before deciding a cold shower would help ease the burning he felt.
he let the ice cold water splash against his head as he leaned against the wall tile thinking of everything that went down. it was only their first night of three and he already managed to anger johnny, let sicheng drink, ignore taeil's problem and help strip taeyong.

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS