"taeil, you can't sneak up on people!" jaehyun breathed out, a hand set over his heart. "what are you doing?"
"i came to give you these." he handed them two purple wristbands that allowed further entry into the park. "yuta paid." taeil gave them skeptical looks. "what's up with you two? you both seem so suspect right now."
"it's nothing. i'm just a bit nervous about riding the rides with loops. that's my embarrassing secret." taeyong lied smoothly.
"oh. well, there's nothing to be afraid of. the adrenaline overrides the fear." taeil smiled. taeyong nodded, sent one last look in jaehyun's direction then began walking towards the others waiting at the entrance.
the second taeyong stepped foot inside he was hit with sounds of joyful screams and laughter. teens ran past him in pairs to get first in line, whether it'd be for food or the roller coaster.
the scent of pretzels and sugary sweets caught his attention. it reminded him of just how hungry he was. there wasn't exactly time for breakfast. "eating before riding could cause you to throw up." johnny warned.
"he's hungry johnny. let the boy eat. he could always get on rides once the food digested." taeil intervened, who happened to be craving a little snack as well.
"whelp." johnny answered in defeat. "go on ahead. i'll be chatting with jae, yuta and his lover."
jaehyun was hesitant when johnny nudged him to follow along. he wanted to be with taeyong, well when did he not want to be with him? "come on taeyong, they have the best chicken sticks here."
saddened, jae watched the two tae's wander off down the trail. not really paying attention to what johnny was blabbing about his thoughts of how this day was going to go worsened his mood. he already foresaw johnny and taeil both being huge cock blockers.
the only time jaehyun would really have taeyong to himself would be on the rides and with people screaming and the wind blocking all communications it didn't seem all that great. "jaehyun." sicheng sang, cutely tugging on his arm.
"hmm? yes sicheng?"
"whatcha thinking about? yuta and johnny left to use the restroom so i'm lonely." jae hadn't even noticed.
"oh, uhm, i was just thinking about what rides we should get on first. do you have any ideas?"
sicheng stuck his bottom lip out in thought. "i'm terrified of heights so something that doesn't go too high. oh and one that allows me to cuddle into yuta's chest. it's so soft." he shyly admitted with a giggle.
"are you and yuta dating?"
"no." his ears turned scarlet. "but he said we will be soon. he told me this was his promise." jaehyun felt awkward when sicheng pulled down his striped shirt to reveal his bruised collarbone.
"oh." when will the others return? he thought. yuta was one lucky dude, to have fallen in love and to be loved equally back. let alone with someone not from his social class.
"taeil you are so right." taeyong's velvety voice sounded from behind. jaehyun craned his neck if any faster he would have surely gotten whiplash.
"i told you, best chicken sticks in seoul."
"mhm." taeyong moaned as he bit into the chicken. excess juice slipped from the corners of his mouth, trailing down to his jaw. jae's mouth hung agape at the sight.
"stare any longer and you'll get caught." yuta's whisper sent chills down his spine. he gulped and turned away.
"alright, now for some rides."

أدب الهواة❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS