the four boys positioned themselves in taeil's living room. they pushed back the cremé couches, giving them more than enough room to place the twister mat down. 34 shots glasses were lined on the circular glass coffee table, each glass a different color to correspond with the colors of the circles on the game.
taeyong nervously looked at all the different shots he would have to drink. alcohol, to him, held dark memories he never wanted to relive. he hoped no flashbacks would swarm his head as he played the game.
"alright, the rules are simple. whichever color the spinner lands on is the color shot you have to take before stepping on it. loser, who falls first, has to take 2 shots back to back with no chaser."
"dear lord johnny." jaehyun knelt over, already feeling the headache from a hangover form.
"jefferey here is a lightweight. it's hilarious watching him cry over being drunk."
"shut up johnny! it was once and my first time!" he defended.
johnny laughed and nodded. "okay okay. let's start with taeil and taeyong."
"um, maybe taeil and i should go first since he doesn't know how to play." jaehyun suggested.
taeyong looked between the two before waving the rules paper in the air. "i read the rules. it seems pretty basic. i could go now."
"it's settled then. you get a free spot to start on so pick your color." taeil stepped on the farthest yellow circle while taeyong went for the blue. once ready, they nodded at johnny to spin the wheel.
"right hand on green." jaehyun announced. taeyong swallowed hard as he took the shot glass in his fingers. he and taeil clinked glasses before downing it. the familiar burning sensation welcomed taeyong back like an old friend.
not even 3 minutes in and taeyong was already feeling the numbing, bubbly sensation of the alcohol. he and taeil both remained firm on the placemat, with taeil bent in front of him, his bum gently brushing up against taeyong's front side. the slight friction made taeyong's tipsy mind swirl.
"dude my legs are going to snap! call out the next color!" taeil groaned. johnny slowly flicked the spinner, enjoying the irritated complaints from taeil.
"left foot in the air." jaehyun diligently informed, thankful their inappropriate position would change. the second taeil lifted his leg he bumped into taeyong a bit too harshly, knocking him off balance.
johnny cheered, the long game was finally over. now came his favorite part. he cheekily handed taeyong the two shots and counted him down. one after the other went down. he scrunched his face up, fed up with the sour taste.
he set the glasses on the table and shakily rose, slowly making his way towards the couch that seemed to get farther the more he walked. taeyong stumbled on his own foot, crashing into the floor. he groaned and remained laid out, images he didn't want to let it flew in.
. . .
one shot for not keeping him happy
another for not noticing his depression
and another for being too late
beer bottles littered the floor of the once shared apartment. taeyong wasted the time he had received from his now deceased lover to cope with his recent death. he was overwhelmed with emotions, drowning in them, with no one there to help him cope except the toxic liquid.

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS