it came as a major shock to taeil when he came bounding down the stairs after he woke up to check on jaehyun to find he and taeyong leaned up against the door, fast asleep. he was so confused about those two and their relationship status but questioning them most likely wouldn't solve anything so like usual he told himself to leave it alone.
taeyong was the first to wake to the sound of taeil calling out to them. jaehyun awoke when taeyong lifted his head from off his shoulder. the two blushed a deep red as they looked at each other. dried drool and tear stains were evident on their faces but neither cared.
"sorry for drooling on your shoulder..." taeyong apologized shyly.
"it's fine. i think i drooled on your hair." jaehyun giggled as taeyong scrunched his face up in mock disgust.
"i'm not going to ask so just go clean yourselves up while i prepare some breakfast." taeil gave them one last look before disappearing into the kitchen where he leaned up against the counter, questioning to himself why he allowed them to ever stay in the first place.
"taeyong... your knuckles are still damaged." jaehyun came up from behind him, their eyes meeting in the full-length mirror they had to the right of their bed.
taeyong looked down at his hand, the blood had dried and began crusting over. "it doesn't hurt. we can clean them here."
"you should go to the hospital and get proper treatment. besides, when's the last time you've had a checkup?"
taeyong's last checkup he and his family could ever afford was when he was entering seventh grade, and that was only because it was required he got his immunization shots. other than then, the doctors and hospital visits were out of the equation.
"fine. i'll go but only if you stay with me."
"deal, now go clean up." taeyong grabbed his fresh clothes and towel then left the room. jaehyun shut the door behind him and jumped onto the bed to reach his phone.
if he expected taeyong to get the help he needed, he had to take the initiative and schedule an appointment for one of the best therapist he knew. that being yuta's mother.
"jaehyun! hello dear. yuta is out the house right now. is he not answering his phone? knowing him he probably forgot to charge it."
"no no, i actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"oh, anything. i'm all ears."
jaehyun bit his lip. "uhm, i have this friend and he's been through so much. it's taken such a huge toll on him and his mind. i was wondering if he could visit your office soon for a session."
"of course. i can clear up a schedule for him tomorrow." over the line he heard her shuffling through papers. "bring him over at eleven." jaehyun thanked her and ended the call.
after they dressed and ate the food taeil prepared, they took a cab to the nearest hospital. the overwhelming smell of rubbing alcohol burned their noses as they checked in and waited in the waiting room.
watching the nurses bustle around and sick patients being wheeled in on stretchers reminded taeyong of just how much he hated being here. it was a long hour for him before he was finally called into the room where a nurse did the basic blood pressure test.
"good. you don't have high blood pressure."
"that's shocking after all the stress i deal with."
she flashed him a smile. "you're really handsome by the way."
jaehyun narrowed his eyes. he was seated on the opposite side of the room, watching enviously as she touched all across his chest with her stethoscope. she finished up her manual checkups and as she was scribbling things on her journal she continued to glance at taeyong, giving him flirtatious looks.
"the doctor will be in soon." jaehyun could have sworn he seen her wink before slipping out the door. taeyong chuckled at the sight of jaehyun fuming.
"you okay jaehyun? you seem a bit ticked off."
"that was so unprofessional of her. flirting with patients? i should tell her boss about this." he grumbled. taeyong shook his head but kept quiet as a smile made its way into his face. was jaehyun always this adorable?
the doctor, as usual, didn't come in until nearly a half hour later. he pulled up taeyong's old doctor records and nearly spazzed out when he saw taeyong was missing tons of necessary vaccinations and checkups. what meant to only be a quick visit for his knuckles turned into hours of shots and headaches.
by the time they left, taeyong's arms were stiff and sore from all the pricking of needles. he had more blood taken from him than he's ever lost. he didn't care that by the time this was all over he owed the hospital 12 years of his life for their services.
he paid the fee without a second glance. he was done with the day. all he wanted was to return home and sleep the soreness away. jaehyun felt bad for the boy. he had no clue they would do all of that to him on the same day.
"i never want to do that again." taeyong trudged into the house, his feet only bringing him as far as the living room before they gave out. he crashed on the couch cushions face first. "oh this feels so good."
"you're strong for enduring all of that." jaehyun sat on the love seat. "get some rest. you have another appointment tomorrow morning."
taeyong shot up, instantly grimacing at the pain he felt in his arm. when it subdued he looked at jaehyun, hoping he was joking but jae remained serious. "what!? what kind of appointment!?"
"a therapist." jaehyun held his hand up as taeyong opened his mouth to retaliate. "hear me out. she's one of the best in seoul. i know her personally and i trust her to help you."
"she's probably going to make me write my feelings out in a journal! what good is that going to do?"
"it worked for me." he admitted quietly. "look, she knows what she's doing. if you end up not liking it i won't force you to go back."
the things he does for me and the things i do for him... taeyong thought to himself as he pressed his palm to his forehead. "i can't believe i'm doing this."
"you won't regret it." taeyong felt his heart skip a beat the longer jaehyun remained looking at him. with his dimpled smile and eyes of pure gold.
he was so in love it hurt.

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS