lee taeyong, age 22, was born poor. his father committed suicide after the death of his wife. taeyong then moved in to live with now deceased lover and his family. the family he resided with was murdered a mile away from their apartment.
his deceased lover later committed suicide leaving taeyong to fend for himself. he lost the apartment, everything he owned and lived on the streets until miraculously he got enough time to consider him rich.
jaehyun's mother tossed down the printed key information in disgust and anger. she couldn't bring herself to believe she let that filth live inside her house, sleep in their guest bedroom, eat their food, bask in their high-quality presence.
let alone believe her son had the audacity to give away his precious time for a no good poor bastard. mr jung folded his arms across his chest as he watched his wife stare at the paper. "this is what we raised yena? how could he come from us? i'm disgusted at his choices."
"it was all that taeyong kid's fault! ever since jaehyun brought him around that's when he started acting up. that bastard probably threatened our son to do all this!"
with a sigh jaehyun's father took his wife's hand in his. "our son committed treason and taeyong lied to us. do you know what we have to do now?"
she nodded, not showing any sign of pity or sadness for her own son. "we let them live out the rest of the week we've given them... and then we take action. i'll order the men to get the room ready..."
that night was probably the best sleep both jaehyun and taeyong ever received. they both awoke with brighten spirits and moods. majority of their night was filled with small talk and quiet giggles as the other said something funny.
they shared small details about themselves such as favorite colors and animals. taeyong was the one to fall asleep first letting jae have the opportunity to move his fringe from over his eyes and run his thumb along taeyong's lips.
the action he's wanted to do for the longest time. when taeyong left that morning to meet with yuta's mom for their now daily sessions jaehyun strutted around the house, belting out love songs to relay his feelings and mood. he was happy and no one could bring him down, not even taeil who successfully hit him with a pillow from the couch.
"jae you're too happy for it being ten in the morning. did you get laid?" jae immediately stopped singing, his stomach lurched at the words. "cause i remember my first time. i awoke the next morning so stress-free."
"taeil no!" his face burned. "i'm a virgin. didn't get laid. it's just taeyong is finally warming up to me." jae didn't want to spill the details just yet seeing as it was still too early to tell everyone.
he had enough sense to wait and get taeyong's approval first before relaying the news. he didn't want to mess anything up within the first day into their confession. "oh. well i'm glad he's coming around."
jae smiled to himself. "me too." an hour later while jaehyun was busy making himself and taeyong lunch, taeil entered the kitchen accompanied by johnny and yuta.
jae was confused as to why they were here, let alone how they got in without being heard seeing as the kitchen is only a few feet away from the front door. and it's not like johnny and yuta are the quietest men in the world.
"whoa– hey guys? when did you come?"
"like three seconds ago. not important though. i have something i want to discuss with you all." johnny popped one of the grapes from jaehyun's plate into his mouth before taking a seat on the kitchen table.
jaehyun narrowed his eyes while taeil complained about him sitting directly on the tables surface seeing as it's unsanitary since that's where he dines at every day. "oh taeil, we all know this table has gotten dirty before."
he winked as taeil cleared his throat, purposely averting yuta's confused look. jaehyun merely snickered at his flustered friend until he realized he ate at the table multiple times. "disgusting."
"i don't get it." yuta muttered. johnny waved him off.
"like i was going to say, my family is going on a four-day party cruise in two days and my mom insisted on me inviting you losers to tag along–"
"but that's nearly a week away from sicheng. i can barely handle two days. plus he's still mad at me. now is not the time to be leaving him." yuta frowned.
"and what about taeyong?" johnny groaned at the two. they were so snatched it made him cringe at how in love they were. as you could tell, johnny wasn't the type to want to settle down with anyone. being tied down seemed too... time-consuming and stressful to him.
"you didn't even let me finish. i was going to add that sicheng and taeyong are invited. it's going to be completely free." he added after seeing yuta's face grow worrisome.
"i would have paid for him if it wasn't but the hard part is getting him to come. he'll definitely figure out my secret if i take him on a luxurious cruise ship. and then his uncle and the shop–"
"well then fuck yuta don't come. jeez." johnny didn't need nor want to deal with drama on the trip. he just wanted to party with his friends and hopefully, get laid by a few girls and taeil if he was down for it.
"no... i'll figure something out. he'll have so much fun if he goes. he deserves it." jaehyun felt the same way towards taeyong. maybe during this getaway, something more will blossom with their relationship.
"good. i'll text more details and whatnot later on. for now, i have to run some errands." he hopped off the table, stole one last grape and left for the front door.
jae shook his head, annoyed, while yuta groaned into his hands. "this is going to be so stressful. his uncle is going to be so suspicious like what the fuck!?"
taeil and jaehyun shared concerned looks towards their distressed japanese friend. "dude calm down. stress is bad for the skin."
"ignore taeil. just come up with a lie saying you won this lavish cruise sweepstake or something." yuta lifted his head, a mischievous smile on his lips. jae knew that look all too well. yuta had just come up with a mastermind plan.
"sometimes i forget i'm rich." yuta waved to the two and rushed out the front door, nearly colliding into taeyong who managed to sidestep away from him. he turned to watch yuta hop over the fence and take off down the street.
"what the heck is his problem?"
"yuta has a lot of problems." jaehyun answered with a smile. he held out the plate filled with fruit and a turkey sandwich. "i made you lunch."
taeyong smiled fondly, thanking him as he grabbed the plate making his way to the table. taeil was going to stop him but decided against it. there was no need in scarring the more boy anymore.
"oh tae, i know you want to continue doing your therapy and whatnot but johnny invited us on this party cruise. would you be willing to skip out on a few sessions to join us?"
jae was hopeful taeyong would agree to it. who in their right mind would decline a free mini-vacation filled with partying and beautiful scenery?
taeyong took a big bite of out his sandwich and shrugged. "sure. how can i turn down such an invitation?"
jae's smile was bright as he looked down at his own plate of food. this four-day vacation would sure be something, not just for him but everyone else involved.
thank you for sticking with this story! on the cruise there will be many rated mature scenes and drama, i hope you all enjoy it!

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS