jaehyun knew it was dangerous if the others knew where he was leaving to, let alone know about the situation in general, so he kept it quiet for all except taeil who had to participate in the plan.
the time they had left ticked down to minutes before the ship was about to dock. jaehyun felt anxious about everything. the plan could go wrong, horribly wrong. sure he was smart but his father was smarter. he had to be extra safe, leave absolutely no traces or leads for his father to find and follow.
"i ordered the cab for you two already. it should be waiting there when we dock." taeil informed. taeyong nodded and stood. it was time for him to inform the medics about the girl— who they still couldn't identify. she held no sort of identification on her. the mini purse she carried around everywhere was just an empty accessory.
"thanks taeil, for everything." the two hugged briefly. it seemed almost bittersweet as taeil watched taeyong exit the room. all that was left was for jaehyun to give taeil his final goodbyes.
"i'm going to miss you." jae really didn't want to cry but he found it hard fighting back the tears that threatened to escape. taeil didn't hesitate to let them cascade down his reddened cheeks.
"your father is horrible. i hate that it has to be like this."
"me too." jaehyun bit his lip. there was so much he wanted to say, not only to taeil but the others as well. but there wasn't enough time and even if he did, it would raise suspicion as to why he suddenly wanted to be sentimental. "just promise me one thing while i'm gone."
"what is it?"
"help johnny. i know you can do it."
taeil nodded. "i will. when you come back expect us to be together with a healthy relationship." jaehyun fell into taeil's arms. "stay safe jae." taeil's arms squeezed a fraction tighter. despite worry and fear biting away at jaehyun he felt a sense of security, like everything would work out in the end.
he clung to his safety blanket that became known as taeil's arms. he didn't want the sense of security to vanish the moment he pulled away. "this is your captain speaking. we will be docked momentarily. thank you all for joining us on this party cruise. i bid you all a happy farewell."
taeyong running through the doors caused the two to finally split from each other. no words were expressed between jaehyun and taeyong to know it was time to leave. "throw these into the ocean."
taeil was handed their phones. their last means of communication. but it was a smart move to leave them behind. jaehyun knew his father could hack into them and track them. he's done it in the past. "we'll find a way to keep in touch."
"go." taeil ordered as jaehyun lingered on. with one small smile and last glance, the two were out the door, hoods up and heads down. they were easily lost within the crowd of people all trying to leave the ship.
jaehyun found his hand clinging to the back of taeyong's hoodie as they walked farther out with the crowd. his senses were alert and heightened as he scanned the crowd for any of his father's men. thankfully, he spotted none.
finding the cab number was fairly easy. it was parked south towards the ship where multiple other cabs awaited their passenger's arrival. its yellow coat shined with the setting sun. with fast paces, they reached it and climbed inside. "to the airport please."
the car ride was silent for the most part. the driver didn't talk; instead, he focused on humming along to the songs that played on the radio.
jaehyun felt like he couldn't breathe until he was on the plane, safe in the air, soaring across the vast ocean that would separate him from harm. he wanted a distraction for the time being but when he turned to taeyong the latter seemed to be in deep thought.

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS