— no one knew just how crazy their mini trip would get. well, everyone except johnny.
yuta constantly texted sicheng asking questions such as "do you have a fear of boats" and "do you get seasick?" but all sicheng would reply with was one worded answers. that being yes and no. not once did he care to ask why.
yuta figured he would still be like this even after all the voicemails and text messages he's left apologizing for doing only what his uncle asked of him. but that won't last long, claimed yuta.
he stood outside the dong's brewery, a basket of sicheng's favorite assortment of candies in one hand while he held the fake certificate showing he won a free luxurious cruise ship pass in the other.
business was slow leaving sicheng to wander around the small shop, straightening up the chairs that were crooked. yuta smiled to himself and pushed open the door with his arm.
the bell above the door signaled sicheng to look up. his smile he had faded into a straight line as he realized it was yuta instead of a customer.
"hi baby boy." sicheng bit back his smile. he loved when yuta called him that. it was his ultimate weakness. if he could, he would have yuta record himself saying it on his phone just to listen to it when yuta was away. but sadly sicheng had absolutely no storage left.
"what are you doing here?" yuta held out the basket of chinese snacks with a knowing smile. sicheng's face lit up with excitement as he grabbed the basket. "yuta! thank you!"
"so does this mean you're done being mad at me?" sicheng set the treats back into the basket before slowly pushing it away from him. he then crossed his arms and turned his head to look out the window dramatically with a slight pout playing on his lips.
"no. i'm not that easy. you can't bribe me with food and think i'll give in." he peeked back at the basket. "but they do look really good."
"just eat them sicheng. stop being petty. that's my thing." sicheng rolled his eyes before reaching into the basket to delve into one of the chocolate snacks. "i came to ask you something."
"what is it?" yuta handed over the certificate. sicheng read it multiple times before looking at yuta with his mouth wide open. "are you serious? is this why you asked me about water and boats!?"
"mhm." yuta nodded, stuffing his hands into his front pockets. "you and i will share a room and since your uncle won't be around." he made suggestive motions with his hand that had sicheng's mind swirling.
"we leave tomorrow though. i have to ask my uncle and find a temp while i'm gone." sicheng frowned. "i don't have clothes suitable for such a trip. i'm too broke to buy new ones."
it hurt yuta's heart to see sicheng so downcast about his money/time problems. although his clock showed he had well over 40 years to live it was still scary seeing as those numbers could drop in such a drastic second.
"hey, don't worry about clothes. i can get you some new ones. you never have to worry about wanting things when you're with me. i'll get you anything in a heartbeat."
sicheng furrowed his brows. "but you're wasting your life on me! i told you i wanted to live a long life with you." he pointed at the basket of his treats. "how much did you waste on this?"
"it wasn't—" yuta pulled his arm away from sicheng's reaching grasp. "don't." he warned. "you don't need to see how much time i have. not yet."

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS