after taeyong was finished with his shower the pair sat on his bed, a pillow in between them to keep the distance just right, although jaehyun wouldn't have minded being a tad bit closer. "you know we can leave, right? we don't have to stay in the house."
taeyong nodded. "i know but it's only 7 in the morning. are any of your friends awake at this time?"
"oh, you want to hang out with my friends..." he trailed off, a small frown forming. "yuta might be awake. johnny is for sure. taeil sleeps in a lot."
"hmm. i guess we can go when taeil wakes up." taeyong smiled and reached over to grab the tv remote on his nightstand. jae nodded and pulled out his phone while taeyong flipped through all the channels.
Group Message
To: Nakamoto, Johnny, Taeil
taeyong wants to hang
out with you guys today.
please say you're busy
so it can just be only him and i.
Sent at 7:17 ami'm not busy.
i'd love to hang out with him.
– johnny
Received at 7:18 amjohnny no.
you just did the exact opposite
of what i wanted.
Sent at 7:18 ami'm calling.
– johnny
Received at 7:18 amno! don't call!!!
Sent at 7:19 amjaehyun's loud ring tone startled taeyong. he muted the tv and met eyes with jae, who seemed to be refusing the call. he glanced at the call receipt. "aren't you going to answer? it's johnny."
"um, yeah..." he slid the answer button, defeated. johnny appeared on the screen, over hyperly shouting good morning.
"morning johnny."
"morning ty. i hear you want to hang out with us again? i promise not to get you drunk again." he placed his hand over his heart.
"good." taeyong chuckled. incoherent mumbling caught their attention. johnny seemed to notice so he smirked and flipped the camera to reveal a sleeping taeil, cuddled into his blanket.
"he keeps talking in his sleep. i have no idea what he's saying but look at how cute he looks." johnny cooed, bringing the camera closer to taeil's face.
jaehyun watched as taeyong smiled softly at screen. "cute, but why are you there?"
"spent the night. too drunk and tired to leave so i crashed here. anyways, i'll wake him up and we'll come pick you guys up."
"you don't have to wake him up. it's okay if we hang out later." tae tried to reason. if he was in taeil's position, he'd prefer to be woken up at a later time.
"nonsense. there's this amusement park i've been dying to check out. the earlier we go the better. see you in 30!"
jaehyun seemed uneasy as he set his phone down. taeyong wanted to question what his problem was but he couldn't get a chance seeing as his bedroom door was thrown open.
"mom what the heck are you doing?" jaehyun jumped up, meeting his mother's figure near the door. "you can't just burst into his room!"
"this is important. your father and i have found a nice girl and we've set you up on a date with her! her family is just as rich as us!"
"no! you can't do that!" jae defended, his ears slightly red. "i should be the one to find someone to take out!"
"jung jaehyun we've given you multiple times to find someone but you never do! you're about to become an adult and yet you still have no girlfriend to show off? get yourself ready. we meet her family in 2 hours." his mother crossed her arms.
"i already have plans!"
"those plans are now cancelled."
taeyong felt so awkward witnessing this whole ordeal take place. his mother seemed to stand her ground pretty firmly while jaehyun struggled to keep up. he let out a shaky breath, his fingers furiously running through his hair.
"mom please!"
"no." jaehyun stormed out of the room, his face the same color as his ears. down the hall they heard the door slam, the sound made it seem as if the door cracked upon impact.
jaehyun's mother sent an apologetic to taeyong who had tried to hide himself behind his pillow. "he's always so sensitive when we bring up girls. it's almost like he's gay."
taeyong didn't want to get in the midst of the issue so he only nodded, still keeping the pillow close to his chest. "i pray he's not one of those sick bastards. just the thought of him liking a man disgusts me to the core. i'd kill him if he were."
with that she shut the door behind her. something bubbled in taeyong's core as those words she spoke repeated themselves in his mind.
the fact that she had the audacity to say that about her own son, spoke a lot about her. taeyong believed his father was probably the same, like most rich pricks.
get it together tae. go check on him. he was there for you, now it's your turn to be there for him.
he willed himself to leave the bed. he slowly pushed open the door, peeking his head out to see if it was clear. he didn't want to run into jae's homophobic mother anytime soon nor his father. hell, he didn't want to run into a maid either.
when he reached jae's bedroom the door opened, revealing a fully clothed jaehyun. his clothing choice wasn't date wise but more laid back which confused taeyong. "wha–"
"shh. johnny said he's around the corner. we better hurry."
"you're not going on the date?"
"of course not. i don't do women. i'll face the consequences later, but now let's have fun."
taeyong had to admit he was proud of jaehyun for sticking his ground. he had expected him to just do what his mother planned like any other kid would but jaehyun continued to prove just how different he was.
he truly was a rebellious kid. sneaking out the house was easier than expected. jae led them out through the gardens at the very back of the mansion.
taeyong didn't get a chance to admire the assortment of vibrant flowers or the lush grass but he made a mental note to have jaehyun walk him through it one day.
when they saw johnny's car pull up they high tailed it the rest of the way. taeyong jumped in first, followed by jaehyun who jumped in a bit too far. half of his body landed on taeyong's causing the two to blush awkwardly.
"my bad." jaehyun mumbled as he buckled himself in.
"it's fine." johnny smirked as he watched the two from the rearview mirror. this day was going to be a treat.
i apologize for my absence but i'm back now! what do you think jae's parents will do when they return home? and what does johnny have up his sleeve? tysm for reading, voting and commenting. 💕

Fanfiction❝what's the point jaehyun? you're rich. you can always buy more time.❞ ⸰COMPLETED ⸰12/23/16 - 04/07/18 © DONGYEOLS