Chapter one: Im back

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Mae awakes from a long rest energized. As she wakes up, she puts on her boots, and jumps out of bed. She thinks of what she wants to do on her first day back at town and home. She looks in the mirror. "Man, I look effing horrible. Same as usual." She walks out of her room shutting her door. She walks down the stairs to the room to the left. As she does, she think, "I wonder if dad has moved these boxes after all those years." She opens the door and finds the boxes never moved an inch from when she left. "Of course not." She walks down stairs to see her mom reading a detective book. "Hey ma!" Her mom looks up from the book. "Heya sweety!" Mae jumps up on the counter. "I miss this place!" Her mom smiles. "And I missed you sweety!" Mae hops down. "Well.. I think I'll seeya later mom. Love you!" Her mom picks the book back up. "Love you too sweety!" Mae walks through the living room and reaches the front door. As she opens it, she thinks, "I cant wait to see my friends again! Gregg, angus, and especially bea. Bea was always a good friend of mae's.

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