Chapter seventeen: Halloween

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(As a thanks for all the support votes comments and shiz like that, I will make this chapter a extra long one to show my gratitude.) "MAE HONEY! COME GET YOUR COSTUME!" Mae's mother yells at the bottom of the stairs. "COMING MAH!" Mae comes riding down the steps in a cardboard box with cardboard wings on the sides and the words, "MY PLAIN!" Obviously she didn't take enough time to actually spell it right. "Ok sweetie! He's your costume, you can go meet up with Mae, Greg, And Angus! Be back by 2:00 in the morning at least!" Mae runs out the front door with her costume and heads to Bea's apartment where the whole gang should be. She passes by a few dirt mounds on the way there, but none quite looked like another one she passed. It seemed so big, it looked like it could hold a body. Maybe it did. Maybe it was. But Mae didn't want any creepy stuff for one night, so she ignored it and kept walking to Bea and the gang. "Mae! You finally MAEde it!" Mae giggles. "And you're a.. uh.." Mae yells out into the entire group, "NINJA VAMPIRE WEREWOLF MERMAID DOLPHIN ZOMBIE LUMBER JACK CRAZED KILLER CAT!" They all held back a laugh. But they were sure she was joking, until Mae said, "what's so funny?" They burst out laughing like she had never seen them before. Angus seemed to be laughing so much he was almost crying. After they got done with laughing, they decided to show off their costumes. Bea was first. She had a devils tail and devil ears with red clothes and fire looking shirt with a red necklace around her. "Im the hell-spawn in you nightmares.. ooooo.. so scary.." Mae watches Greg step up as a wolf. "IM A WOLF DUDERS!" Thats all he had to say before walking back. He didn't wear too much, but he was wearing fake wolf gloves, ears, and shoes. He was proud. And last but not least Angus walked up. "Im a bear." He says as he claws at a stick. "Rawr!" After they were all done showing off their costumes, they headed out to tricker treat. The first house they visited was selmers. She seemed to have a lot of candy because no one trick or treats in her neighborhood. "Heya selmers!" Mae says as she holds out her bag for candy. "Oh hello Mae! Trick or treating with friends I see!" Mae nods and selmers puts a handful of candy into each of the gangs buckets. "WOOOHOOO WE ALREADY HIT A MOTHER LOAD!" Greg yells as they walk to the next house. "Trick or treat?!" They all yell as the door to the next house opens. "Why hello there darlings!" This was an old lady in a wheelchair. There was something saddening about her voice that made Mae and Bea want to cry. "Would you like some candy? Let me go get you some.." greg whispers to Angus, "it's probably a bunch of butterscotch's and black licorice." The old lady come back out with a whole garbage truck full of skittles, Hersheys, starbursts, and other sour, sweet, and tasty treats. "Here you go dearies!" All of their mouths drop open from all the candy. Mae, with looking at the grandma, almost didn't want to take the candy, until she saw a reason to take it. The poor woman had no teeth. "Thank you very much lady for these delicious treats!" The grandma smiles. "Its no problem at all deary!" They all grab a handful and move to the next house. Mae couldn't stop thinking about the grandma. She seemed do lonely in that house with nobody else from what she could tell.. She thought about coming over to play some chess or checkers with her sometime. "TRICK OR TREAT!" The door to the next house opened and a man wearing a scare crow mask and a bag of candy in his hands. "Hello mister! Can we have some candy?!" Greg yells calmly. "Aren't you a bit too old for halloween?" Greg rolls his eyes. "Mister, you are never too old for halloween. Ever ever never!" The man puts more candy in their buckets. "We are getting so much candy, right Bea?" Mae realizes how much Bea hasn't talked this whole time. Something is bothering her again. "Hey Greg and Angus, why don't you two go down that street, and we go down this street, then we get double the candy in less the time!" Greg and Angus look in their buckets. "Great idea dude! Let's go cap'n!" Greg and Angus walk away and find more candy. "Bea.. what's wrong? You haven't been talking much.. and you don't seem too happy.." Bea looks at Mae with a grin. "Hehe.. it's just this one kid keeps wanting to go out with me, even though I keep telling him I'm not interested." Mae giggles. "Sounds like a douche" "a douche indeed" They watch Greg and Angus trick or treat for a little bit before getting up and going to the houses down there side of the street. After a long while of them getting candy, they decide to head over to Greggs and share their candy. "Alright. We have 453 peices of candy, and there are four of us, so, we all get 117, its good enough, ok?" Bea announces as she takes her share. "What about the rest?" Greg asks as he takes his share. "Leave it there for emergencies." She says as she puts the spares in a box labeled "emergency candy" greg looks at it. "Damn Bea, you are smart" Angus says as he eats a starburst. "Thanks.." Mae is probably already done with half her candy by now. "Mae, slow down, you're gonna get a head ache, chest ache, and a eye ache." Mae stops eating. "How will I have an eye ache?" Bea giggles. "I will punch you if you complain about the head ache." Mae nods. "Sounds fair." Greg and Angus were already over on the couch by the time they were done conversating. "Hey Mae.." Bea takes Mae into another room. "Yeah Bea?" Bea blushes. "U-um.. would you mind if I.. stayed another night at your house..?" Mae springs up. "Of course not!" Mae hugs Bea. "Any time you want!" They walk out and say goodbye to Greg and Angus. "Don't you two have too much fun!" Bea gives Greg a death stare. Mae still didn't know what he meant. They reach Mae's home and head to her room. "Welp.. I'm gonna get some sleep.. *yawn*" Bea lays down on Mae's bed after taking her shoes off. Mae looks at her whole she falls asleep. "Night Bea..." Bea yawns again. "Night Mae." After, she falls asleep. "Now, time to explore that mound on that broken down street!"

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