Chapter seven: weird night

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"Wow.. It's like.. I'm invisible, but too solid at the same time.." Mae is wandering around her dream. Thinking about what happened at the restaurant. She wanders around listening to jazz as she walks back to the four lanterns. She finally reaches them, and they glow. They grow brighter, until finally the ground shakes. From the cracks in the ground, blue light shines through. Suddenly, a giant blue glow resembling a bear rises. "What the hell is happening?!!" Right after she says this, she wakes up with a jump. She looks at the end of her bed and puts her boots on. She checks her computer to see for any messages. Only one. And it was from Bea. "Hey Mae.. about last night.. um.. why did you say bye to me, but not Gregg or angus?" Mae rubs her eyes. "Um.. I was too tired and had to go before I could say anything." She knew she was lying, she was very energized and she didn't have anything to do except sleep. "Oh.. well.. Im workin at the pick, you know the drill." So that being said, she headed down stairs to see her mom sitting on her chair. She decides not to talk for now. She just opens the front door and walks away. "Sorry mom.."

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