Chapter fourteen: BEAKFAST

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"Good morning Ma-" Bea wakes up to find Mae still asleep. "Hehe.." Bea gets up and walks down stairs and no one is around. She decides to make breakfast. "If I don't have a mom, I can atleast act like one." She thinks as she starts making eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes, waffles, french toast, and some special desserts for after, all made with her money and skills. "Bea?" Mae wakes up after a while and looks around. She sniffs the air. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT IS THAT EFFIN SMELL?!?!" Mae jumps dowm the stairs without thinking and falls down all of them with a few bruises. "BREAKFAST!!" Mae doesn't seem to even be flinched with all the pain after seeing all the food laying on the table. Bea and Mae's parents were talking. "Morning kitten!" She looks at her dad with a pancake in his mouth and her mom making a face out of her food, "heya sweetie!" Bea looks up. "Um.. Mae.. why do you have a bunch of bruises on your legs and arms?!" Mae runs to get a plate and stock it to the max with food. "DOESN'T MATTER, ONLY FOOD MATTERS!" Bea eats a piece of bacon. "Ooooooooooook..?" Mae notices there is no bacon. "NO BACON?!?!!" Mae throws her arms in the air. "OH COME ON!" Her mom looks at her while giggling. "Here sweetie, you can have mine since I knew you would want some!" Mae quickly runs over to her and sees the bacon is arranged in a heart. She ignores the shape and digs in. "THANK YOU SO MUCH BEA!" Mae hugs Bea very hard. "Don't mention it.. seriously, don't, it's gross." Mae continues to eat even though she is full. She doesn't want to waste any of it because one, it was too delicious, and two, because she didn't want to make Bea feel like she made it for no reason. "Bea.. can I ask you something..?"

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