Chapter five: FOOD FIGHT!

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The waiter comes back with Mae and Bea's food. "FINALLY!" Mae grabs her coke and drinks it as fast as she can. "Geez Mae.. calm down.." Bea slowly eats her salad. Mae picks up a peice of bacon and puts it on a spoon. She pulls it back and aims at Greg, who is all the way across the room, to get his attention. She lets go and it flys through the air. It misses and hits a teen in the stomach. He picks it up and yells into the whole diner, "FOOOOOOOD FIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!" Suddenly, everyone in the restaurant yells the same thing, and fire food all over the place. "WHAT THE HELL MAE?!?!" Bea and Mae run for the door. They look in to see Angus and Greg following them. As Greg gets outside, he pants and says, "dudes.. that.. was.. AWESOME!!" Everyone smiles except for Bea. "You guys are crazy." Bea walks to her car. Mae follows her. "Can I come with Bea?" Bea sighs. "Sure..." Mae hops into the car. Angus and Greg get in their car and start the engine. Both of the cars head to band practice. As Bea is driving, Maw tries to lighten the mood and be funny. So she decides to do something with some left overs. When Bea finally pulls into the parking lot, she turns off the car. "Hey Bea, look at me! I'm a vampire!" Mae has two bacon strips in place of where her fangs would be. "Oh my god, I gotta get a picture." Bea pulls out her phone and takes a picture of her. "Welp. I think we should head inside with the others." Bea says as they exit the car.

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