Chapter four: change of topic

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The gang of four walk into the restaurant. "Hm..are there seats for four?" Bea asks. "Im sorry ma'am, we only have seats for two." The employee says. Mae looks at Bea. "I think me and angus will sit with each other. You two can sit with each other." Mae smiles. She missed Bea and the rest for so long, no she finally gets to hang out with them. "Ok, fine." Bea grabs Mae's arm and pulls her to the table they were told to go to. When they walk away, greg says to angus, "hon, I can't believe Mae is back!" Angus looks at Mae and Bea from across the diner. "What do you want to eat Bea?" Bea looks at the menu. "Mah.. I think I'll just get some water and a salad." Mae puts her arms in the air. "Salad? Water? I mean, I knew you were boring, but seriously Bea Bea?!" Bea leans back against the cushion on the chair while folding the menu. "Its a little thing called being healthy, you should try it sometime midget. Also, don't call me Bea Bea." Mae lowers her hands. "Then don't call me midget!" The waiter comes around with a tray and a towel over one hand. "And what would you two like on this beautiful evening?" Mae looks at the waiter. "Maybe some sunshine if it's such a beautiful day!" The waiter and Mae laugh. Bea smiles but does not laugh. "I think I'll have a water and salad." The waiter stops laughing and writes it down. "I think I'll have a blt and coke!" Bea looks at Mae. "Really mae? Are you trying to have a sugar rush?" The waiter writes it down. "Of course not Bea! Im just really hungry and thirsty!" The waiter walks over to greg and angus. "Sooooo... Bea, how have things been going sense I left?" Bea sighs. "Well.. my dad died, I live alone, I work almost all day everyday, and mostly doing band practice. Angus and greg missed you so much.." Mae's ears suddenly spring up. "Did you miss me?" Bea looks at the waiter. "Whats taking so loooong?" Bea says trying to change the topic.

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