Chapter 21: dreams awakining

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Mae is filled with rage. She can not hold it back anymore. She has her bat in hand. She runs to the first lamp post. She hits it with the bat and it dents far out. She hits it again and again until she knocks it out of the ground and behind her. She does the same to the next few. "This feels sooo good! Heheh!!" She soon sees a restaurant come into sight. She runs towards it with her bat dragging across the ground making a loud crumble noise. She smashes out the windows one by one. After all the windows are broken, she knocks out the front door and walks in. The lights turn on. Bottles of wine and beer are exposed, but with no one around. She smashes all the chairs into wooden planks. All chunks of wood everywhere. After she gets done, she smashes all the glass, bottles, plates, and bowls. After smashing everything in the restaurant, she heads out to the snack falcon. She smashes cars on the way. Some would explode when she hit them, yet she couldn't feel any pain from them. When she gets there, she did what she did to the restaurant, but also smashes the sign. "Too bad Gregg!" She says in a creepy voice. She walks to the pickaxe. She smashes everything in sight while she is there. She does the same with the video outpost. She could hear sirens around her. All she could do is keep running. She keeps on running until she reaches the electrical lines and power generators. "We don't need these here!" She smashes all electrical circuits. "STOP RIGHT THERE MISSY!" Her aunt stood in her way in destroying the town. She knew what she had to do. She walks up to her with the bat dragging on the ground. She picks it off the ground, and with one blow, her aunt went flying into space. She hit the cop car till it blew up. Suddenly, the ground started to rumble. It cracked open in some spots. A voice very deep and low pitched yells from underground, "MAE, DONT UNLEASH YOUR ANGER OUT ON THE TOWN OR OTHER PEOPLE!" Mae readied her bat. A figure of blue light submerged from the ground that resembled a dragon, 100 times bigger than Mae. It opens its mouth to swallow her. It comes closer while Mae runs towards it. She jumps with the bat above her head. They collided, making an explosion that shook the earth. As soon as the explosion clears, Mae wakes up. "WOW!!" She sprang up from her position and hugged Bea crying. Bea was sound asleep still. "Bea.. I know you probably can't hear me.. but.. I love you.." She cuddles her before she falls back to sleep crying.

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