Chapter twelve: "play date"

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(Sorry for another interruption, And Im sorry for this small chapter, but I cant really write much right now because my school got cancelled for a tornado thats coming in a few hours, so Im sorry, but I will try to keep writing.. thanks for putting up with all the interruptions) "Mae.. what about your parents..?" Mae looks out the window. "They won't mind, they love it when I have friends over!" Bea starts driving. "Alright.. just don't pull anything ok?" Mae smiles. "Of course not!" Mae had no idea what she meant. They keep driving for a while until they reach Mae's house. "We are here!" Mae yells as they get out of the car. They open the front door to see Mae's dad asleep on the couch and her mom reading a book in the kitchen. "Heya sweetie! Is that your friend that you talk about so much?" Mae blushes. "Mom!" Bea giggles. "Its ok my waifu." Bea says jokingly. "Well, You two go have fun! I will be down here if you need anything! And Im baking cookies!" Mae throws her hands in the air. "Yeah! Cookies!" They both head upstairs and walk into Mae's bedroom. "So... do you have anything fun to do..?" Bea asks looking around at Mae's room. "Yeah, I have a few games on my computer you can play!" Bea looks through all the games on the computer and picks one called -come.exe- "Hey Mae, what is this game about?" Bea points at the game. "Um.. I never played it before.." Mae knew she never downloaded a game called that. "Huh.. I guess we can figure it out together." Mae looks at the game with dread as she remembers the ghost saying "come" as she smacked it with a bat.

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