Chapter ten: r.i.p.

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(Sorry, but I wanna give a few shout outs to some people who really motivated me to continue this story. Aykater14  fanficlover888 lefablilly imaduckquack , now, lets get on with the story) Bea walks over to a grave labeled -sain- and another one named -ris- Bea looks at them for a long time. "Hey Mae.. would you mind if.. well.. would you join me for praising my parents?" Mae kneels down to the graves. "Sure Bea!" They both get down in front of the graves and Bea prays. "Dear lord, I hope you can forgive my sins and love me or something like that.. I thank you for letting me and Mae and Greggory and Angus live.. and uh.. Thanks for choosing fait for me and Mae to be together again after all.." Mae shakes her head. "A man." Bea looks at Mae. "Its amen, not a man." Mae rolls her eyes. "Amen" They both hop off the ground. "Thanks Mae, you don't know how much this means to me." Mae pats Bea's back. "Anything for my best friend!" They both head over to a gate with a big lock. "There is no way we are getting past this gate." Mae go's into a small building next to the gate with a bat on the porch. "DIE GATE!" Mae hits the gate with the bat as hard as she can. She finally smacks the lock off and the gate opens. Mae keeps smashing the gate even though it's open. "Mae, chill, it's open." Mae stops swinging and spits on the gate. They walk to the other graves. "There is nothing here Mae" Mae looks around. "DAMNIT! WE CAME ALL THIS WAY FOR NOTHING!" As soon as Mae said that, a figure looms in the darkness filling them with dread and fear.

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