Chapter eight: who you gonna call?

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Mae was walking to the snack falcon when she finds a dead arm on the ground, laying, and bleding. "WOW! AN EFFIN ARM!" Mae knew she had to tell her friends right away. Bea was the closest, so she decided to tell her first, she hid the arm behind a bush so no one would find it and take it away. She quickly runs towards the old pickaxe, when she sees something else strange. A child was being kidnapped by something with no legs. Mae didn't get to see him very well, but she knew three things. One, that thing was floating. Two, she didn't wanna be next, so she has to tell her aunt at the police station. Three, she was going to tell Bea all this and find her ghost and that child and make sure the kid is alright. "BEA!!" Mae yells panting from all the running. "Sup Mae." Bea seemed to have been crying in one point of the day. Mae could tell. "THE ARM AND THE CHILD KIDNAPPER GHOST THING SAW ME AND IS AFTER ME AND WANTS TO KILL ME AND IT LOOKED LIKE THE GHOST TOO-" Mae was interupted by Bea. "Mae, calm, down. Then explain it." Mae catches her breath. "Ok, so when I was coming over to see Greg, Angus, and you, I saw an arm, nothing attached to it, just an arm, so I decided to tell you first, then on the way to you, I saw a ghost kidnap a child and seemed to slit the young girls throught!" The words 'young girls' stuck to her mind. "W-wait.. young girl? Did you stand there and watch her get kidnapped?!" Mae shakes her head. "NO NO NO NO! I just saw her get taken away, and I knew if I was seen, I would be next, and it did see me.. it had no feet.. the cloak was floating in mid air.. I thought it was.. a ghost." Bea packs up her stuff to leave. "Mae, car, now." Mae knew what she ment and quickly got into bea's car. Bea soon came out with a box. It made loud noises of crash and booms when it shook. "We are gonna find this ghost, and we are gonna report this to the police!" Mae throws her hands in the air. "What?! We're just gonna tell the police we saw a ghost? They're not gonna believe us! We will sound like we are crazy! We need to take this ghost, head on!" Bea pulls the car over into the drive way of the snack falcon. It's pouring with rain. "AND GET KILLED MAE?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?! TWO ADULTS TAKING ON A GHOST?! NO WAY MAE!" Bea starts crying. "Bea.. whats wrong..?" Mae puts her hand around Bea's neck. "Its just.. Remember all that stuff about my mom and dad? Well.. I've been alone for so long.. Greg and Angus only hang out when none of us work.. and when you came back..  I felt.
Like I had a friend with me who cares.. and I don't like the Thought of you dying Mae.. you are special to me.. I missed you.." Mae comforts Bea by hugging her and telling her everything will be ok..

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