Chapter sixteen: GREGG!

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"M-Mae.." Mae is now blushing crazily. Bea is too. "So.. Bea.. can I call you.." Bea stops hugging her. "Don't you say it." Mae holds back a laugh. "baBEA!" Bea walks off. "Im done!" Mae falls onto the ground laughing. "B-BEA CO-COME BACK!" Mae can barely speak from how hard she is laughing. "Too bad you didn't jump in the hole." Mae gets up and stops laughing. "Too bad you didn't drown in your own tears." Bea looks at her. "Too bad you didn't get your house sol-um.. house solicited on.." Bea almost told Mae her house was about to be sold. "Whats that mean?" Bea walks to her truck. "Don't worry about it." Mae follows her to her truck. "So.. are you going to the pick today?" Bea nods her head. "Like always." Mae waves. "Well, seeya after work!" Bea drives away while waving. As soon as Bea leaves, Mae automatically thinks, "I need to tell Gregg and Angus." Mae runs to the snack falcon and sees Greggory drinking a slushie. "GREG GREG GREG!!!" Greg jumps a little. "WHATSUP DUDERS?!?" Mae smiles. "I ASKED BEA TO BEA MY GIRLFRIEND!" Greg smiles, not because of the pun either. "WHAT DID SHE SAY?!" Mae giggles. "She said yes!" Greg waves his hands in the air. "HOLY SHIZ CHEEZY PUFFS OF GODS MAKING!" Mae laughs when he says cheezy puffs. Mae sometimes wonders where he gets all these random comments. "I know right?!" Mae and Gregg were both waving there hands in the air like idiots. "HOLY CHEESE STICKS OF HELL!" By now, Mae and Gregg were just saying random shit. "WE NEED TO STOP FLAILING OUT ARMS IN THE AIR AND TELL CAP'N!" They run outside not caring that Greg has a job and walk to the video outpost where Angus works. "ANGUS ANGUS ANGUS!" They both yell as they bust through the front doors of the shop. "Yes Mae and Gre-" "MAE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!" Angus smiles. "Who's that Mae?" Mae hugs angus. "Bea!" Angus chuckles. "Hehe.." Greg looks confused. "What's so funny cap'n?" Angus hugs Mae back. "Bea was always talking to me about how she thought of Mae as a good friend, and this is what she meant.." Greg smiles. "Awww!" Greg joins Mae and Angus' hug. "Did I mention I kissed her?" Greg throws his hands in the air. "MAE, ME AND ANGUS ARE SO SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU!" Angus nods. "Aw.. thanks guys!" Just then, Bea walks in. "BEA!" Mae stops hugging them and runs over to hug her. "Yeah. Whatever." Bea was in a particularly grumpy mood. More than usual. "Whats wrong Bea?" Bea hugs Mae back. "Meh. Don't worry about it."

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