Chapter 20: The gang is here

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There they were. Ready for it. "Ok guys. Get ready. It's near, I can feel it." She holds up her bat. The gang is on top of the mound. They all have a weapon and shield. Greg and Angus have a garbage can lid and a sewer lid, and as a weapon they both have knives that Greg carries around. Bea has a big book, and a pistol. Mae only has a bat, and was standing tall, staring into the darkness. Waiting for "it". "Ok gang, I can hear the bushes rushing. Get out your weapons!" Mae, Bea, Greg, and Angus all have their weapons infront of them. something was emerging from the forest. "3!" The noises get louder. "2!!" It seems to get darker, yet darker. "1!!!!" Mae yells as the ghost comes floating out of the forest. "FIRE!" The gang yells as they shoot and stab at it. Bea shoots her gun at it. It doesn't seem flinched by pain or injury. "SHIT GUYS! THIS IS BAD!" Bea hops down from the mound and runs away. "BEA! COME BACK!" Mae yells while Greg and Angus distract the ghost. The ghost did not attach them. It just came closer and closer. "MAE! A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Angus mentions as he stabs at it. "SORRY BIG GUY!" Mae runs over and swings at the ghost. It doesn't seem to hurt it, but it knocks it away. "Guys! How are we gonna defeat this dude?" Greg says as he holds up his trash can lid. "I don't know, but we should hold it off for now so it doesn't hurt anyone else!" Angus announces while picking up Bea's gun she left when she ran away. "How long do we have to hold it off browski?!" Mae looks at him. "However long it takes." The ghost seems to be kneeling, but it's hard to tell because it has no feet. "What's it doing?" Mae asks as she walks over to it. "Beware of the beasts, and they won't bother you" Mae looks at the ghost who looks like they are speaking non sense. "Tell Bea I said hi, would you Mae?" Mae was so confused on why this thing wanted to talk to her all of the sudden, and why it's being friendly, and why it wants her to say hi to Bea, and how it knows her name. "Uhh... sure.. but first, can we ask who you are and why you are doing this?" Greg walks up to the ghost. "Mae is my daughter, and I never wanted to hurt any of you, but you got in the way." The ghost seems to vanish slowly. "Wait.. so you are Bea's parent?!" Mae throws her hands in the air. "WE FOUND THE GHOST OF ONE OF BEA'S PARENTS!" Greg wiggles his hands in the air. "THIS IS AWESOME DUDES!" Angus doesn't seem surprised. The ghost by then had fully vanished. Mae soon thought about what was next for them, not caring that a ghost asked her to do a favor. Bea comes back panting. "Bea.. are you ok?" Mae walks up to her. Bea collapses, but Mae and Angus grab her before she hits the ground. "Yeah.. just kinda tired is all.." Mae smiles. "Lets get some rest." The gang hugs and separate. Mae and Bea walk to Mae's house. The door was locked. "Whats going on? My door is never locked!" Mae hits the door with the bat, trying to loosen the locks. She pulls the handle and it comes open. "Violence is always the answer Bea, always." They look around in the house. Everything is dark. "Mom? Dad?" The lights turn on after Mae says that, like it was voice activated. Suddenly, Mae's parents jump out from behind the couch and yell "BOO!!" Mae and Bea jump. "AHHHH!!!!" Her parents laugh at their faces. They had enough of scares and jokes for the day. "Hey mom and dad, we're kinda tired.. sorry for ruining the joke." Mae's parents nod their heads. "Its okay honey, get some rest you two." They head upstairs and jump onto the bed after taking their shoes off. "Good night Bea.." Bea turns off the lights and gets into the bed. "Night Mae." They both fall asleep like that.

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