Chapter eleven: RUN!

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"RUUUNNNNNNN!!!" Mae shouts as she runs away with Bea away from the ghost. "Shit shit shit this is bad!" Bea says as she holds Mae's hands. The figure sprints at them. Mae looks back at the figure. "RUN FASTER!!!" Bea runs faster and Mae stops moving and turns to the figure. "MAE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Bea slows down. Mae holds up her bat. "Just you and me ghost!" Mae swings at it with force in her fight. "MAE!! STOP FIGHTING, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!" Mae looks at Bea and winks. "No!" Mae -finally- hits the ghost and it falls back. Its mask falls off revealing a face. It was too dark to see it, but Mae kicked the ghost while it was down and hits it with the bat in the groin area. The ghost vanishes. "Wow, mea, you actually hit it." Mae looks at her hands with some blood of the ghost on her bat. "That was no ghost Bea, it had blood." Bea looks at the bat. "Yeah, I know, I never thought it was a ghost.. but how in the hell did it vanish like that?!" Bea hugs Mae. "I'm just glad you're ok Mae.." Bea feels a crawl on her back. "Mae, bat, now." Mae hands her a bat and she quickly hits it with the bat. "HA! EAT THAT GHOST!" Mae yells as Bea puts the bat down. "Yeah.." The ghost is gone again. "Lets get out of here. Now." They both run to the truck. Mae throws the bat into the back and jumps into the car. "Im going to drive you home. We both need some sleep. "Bea.." Bea starts the car. "Yeah mae?" Mae blushes a little. "You can stay at my house tonight.."

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