Chapter eighteen: go now

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Mae grabs a flashlight and her bat and runs out the front door to the mound that was not too far away from their house. "I'm going to find out what's up with this mound!" She says to herself. Its the middle of the night and all she can think of is the mound and sleep. She finally reaches it. "Ah, finally!" She starts digging with her claws. "CMON TREASURE!" Suddenly, a shiver runs down her back. Like a hand was about to impale her back. "Come" is all Mae could hear. She quickly runs away and looks back to see the ghost following her. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" The ghost doesn't stop and doesn't respond. "GRRR!" She swings her bat all around at the ghost. The ghost grabs the bat and breaks it in half. Mae was now backed into a corner of a fence with the ghost standing infront of her. "Please don't k-kill me.." tears run down Mae's eyes. Right before the ghost seems to swallow Mae in the darkness, Bea and a cop, probably her aunt, standing behind the ghost. She remains silent so the ghost doesn't see them. "BACK AWAY FROM BAE MAE!" Bea smacks at the ghost with a baton and the cop tazes it. The ghost vanishes. "MAE!" Bea quickly hugs Mae. "I heard you were going to that mound, and I was curious.." Mae hugs back. "Im sorry Bea.." They walk back home holding hands. The cop followed them just in case. (Hey guys.. Im sorry I keep doing this over and over.. But I have to sort out a few problems.. it may take years.. it may take months.. it may take days.. it may take just an hour.. but I'm making up for so many things right now its overwhelming me with suicide, work, sadness, and anger.. so I hop you understand.. thank you guys for trying to be my friend and trying to talk with me.. but when I get back, this story will be continued right away!)

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